Write Again … So what think you?

Published 6:44 pm Friday, September 1, 2017

THE QUESTIONS — “When is the last time you did something for the first time?” That was put to me some weeks ago by a man on one of the boats docked at our wonderful waterfront.

Now, that is an intriguing question, is it not? Then how about, “When is the last time you did something you knew would be the last time you would do it?”

Chew on those two questions, friends.

BARBARIC — Ultimate fighting must be one of the most gruesome spectator events ever to come about. It is depraved.

That there are those who enjoy, are fascinated by this “sport” makes one wonder. Such horrendous violence inflicted upon each other by two Neanderthal types — and is popular among some people — is almost impossible to comprehend. There seems to be no limit to how low our entertainment industry will sink to make a dollar.

UNACCEPTABLE — More and more valid research continues to irrefutably show that football, our most violent team sport, is, and has been, causing severe, often debilitating injuries, to an unacceptable percentage of participants.

We have long known, and accepted, the severity of injuries to knees and shoulders. Some cause lifelong problems.

However, the damage caused by concussions is becoming more and more known. Much of it is of a cumulative effect. There are those who conduct such studies, research, who recommend that youngsters not play tackle football at least until the middle grades, if then.

The incidence of such injuries in college football is alarming, and in professional football totally abominable. Reprehensible.

Do you think it might have anything to do with money? Do you think?

“GONE WEST” — There was a saying in World War I, especially among the British and Australian troops, that when a soldier died he had “Gone West.” Perhaps toward the sunset.

Well, now. When my time comes to “go west” I have left written instructions for my family members as relates to how this should be handled.

I’ve told them I want no public religious services, no formal visitation, and most importantly, that I wish to be cremated. As to my ashes, there are a couple of places that were very special to me in my youth where I would like to have them scattered.

Any thoughts, prayers, that my family may wish to express are up to them. Just no formal service, as such.

Now, will my request be observed? One of my daughters says not. No way.

I’ll just have to let them make of it what they will.

Until I see you next weekend, Shalom, my friends.