Richland Seniors host September meeting

Published 4:02 pm Friday, September 8, 2017

The Richland Seniors of Aurora held their monthly meeting on Sept. 5 with 23 members present.

President Ann Cayton called the meeting to order, Mary Galloway gave the devotion, with The Lord’s Prayer, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Cathy Fitzgerald led the group with “The Star Spangled Banner.” Secretary Lib Litchfield called the roll and read the minutes from August. Treasurer Annette Smith gave the treasurer’s report.

JoNell Barber and Mary Galloway reported that cards to the sick and for birthdays have been sent. Annette Smith reported on former member Kathy Gagen: she is now out of the hospital and is at Grantsbrooke Rest Home. Visits are appreciated. Plans for the December Christmas party are well underway. Many thanks to Cathy, Ken and Sandi for all the planning and to all members participating in the entertainment. Practice for this will be ongoing every Saturday at 3 p.m. until December.

The club voted to not have a meeting in December as we will be busy with decorating and preparing for the Christmas party. Our speaker, Rick Baker with the Community Watch “Working for a Better Aurora,” gave us some very interesting information. We were very impressed with all they do to make our town a safe place to live.

Scrapbook Chairman Sandy Trimmer asked that all veterans in our club bring a photo of themselves for use in our scrapbook. Members were asked to remember to bring Christmas gifts for the party. Ann Windley led the group in exercise and Kathy Fitzgerald entertained us with her hysterical rendition of “My Fair Lady” from the “Sound of Music.” Member Charles Stokes Passed away recently; our hearts go out to his wife Carol and family. He will be missed.

It seems that someone was kind enough to repair a pothole in our rear parking lot — we don’t know who. Our many thanks to whomever took the time out of their day to do this. There are still good, caring people out there!

Jack Trimmer won the 50/50 drawing, and he donated it to be used for scrapbook purposes.

The meeting was adjourned. Ken Lilly gave grace and lunch and fellowship was had by all.

Submitted by A. Briley