It’s the little things

Published 3:56 pm Monday, September 18, 2017

A small act of kindness can go a long way.

That’s the message behind an increasingly popular fad: kindness rocks. The idea, created by a woman in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is that individuals decorate a rock with a message, place it somewhere in the community and let others stumble across it.

The trend has trickled down into North Carolina, and various Beaufort County organizations have picked up on the idea. Colorful painted rocks stamped with words of encouragement and positivity are popping up all over the community. First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) started painting rocks last week, and the City of Washington organized a “BoCo Rocks!” event over the weekend for residents to come and paint their own rocks free of charge.

Some have Bible verses, some just have simple words — hope, love, joy — and some have inspirational quotes. Either way, the rocks are made with one common goal in mind: to spread positivity and joy to as many people as possible. Once a rock is found, the idea is that the finder will then pass it along, spreading the love to somebody else.

Painters will likely never know who finds the rock or how it affected his day. It’s truly a selfless act — a way for someone to do something for someone else, expecting nothing in return. It emphasizes the idea that simple acts of kindness can make a big difference. In a world that can be consumed by hatred, it’s refreshing to see individuals going out of their way just to make a positive difference in their communities.

Someone walking through Beaufort County may be in need of a pick-me-up today, and this seemingly small gesture could be exactly what he needed.

There are many ways to brighten a day — paying for someone’s coffee, helping someone load groceries into his car — and now, spreading love through something as simple as a rock.

After all, sometimes it’s the smallest things in life that can make the biggest difference.