Coastal Pregnancy Center awarded funds from state

Published 7:25 pm Thursday, September 28, 2017

A local nonprofit just received necessary funds from the state to move forward in its service.

The Coastal Pregnancy Center in Washington was the recipient of a special $100,000 appropriation from the North Carolina General Assembly yesterday.

Many gathered outside the nonprofit on Thursday to watch Senator Bill Cook present the $100,000 check to Executive Director Susan Rollins and several other members of its organization.

“I could not speak in full sentences for hours,” Rollins said of learning about the funds. “Thank goodness there was a client advocate here so I had someone that I could go scream with.”

Rollins said she was asked to gather and submit information to Cook about the work the nonprofit does in the community, but she didn’t know the reason. She sent the information anyway, and said she soon forgot about the email, until seemingly out of the blue, she received an email from Cook that left her speechless.

“You can imagine my surprise getting that email. It started ‘I hope you’re having a great day, I just wanted to let you know,’” Rollins laughed. “I had no idea. And I definitely had no idea who was supplying it,” Rollins said.

Catherine Glover, executive director of Washington-Beaufort Chamber of Commerce, said the support from Cook and the General Assembly emphasizes the impact organizations like the Coastal Pregnancy Center have on the community.

“This proves that what they are doing behind the doors of this nonprofit and in the community is changing lives every single day,” Glover said.

That impact can be seen in the many ways the nonprofit partners with local agencies and services in the community, such as Ruth’s House and Higher Heights Beaufort County. Rollins said the organization is active in Beaufort County Schools as well, as members often go into classrooms to educate teens about pregnancy and fertility.

The center offers counseling, supplies and just overall support to anyone in the community, free of charge. They have given more than 80 ultrasounds, more than 400 free pregnancy tests and more than 3,000 parenting lessons to their clients, according to Rollins.

An emotional Rollins thanked her team, Cook and the community. She said God has opened so many doors for the nonprofit, and she’s excited to see what the future holds.

“I would not be here without the Lord, Jesus Christ,” Rollins said.

Rollins said the appropriation will be used for expanding the center in order to better serve families in the community and help them have positive pregnancies. She said she wants the money to directly impact Beaufort County.

“Our main objective is just that we want this to go back into the community,” Rollins said.