Washington (evening) Rotary elects board members

Published 3:14 pm Friday, October 13, 2017

The Washington (evening) Rotary Club met Thursday evening at the Washington Yacht & Country Club. After a social period in the Upper Deck, members moved to the Pamlico Room for dinner and business. President Todd Williamson called on Dr. David Swarner to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance. Music man Bartow Houston led in one verse of “America,” and Russell Smith gave thanks for the meal. Charlie Brown gave the Health and Happiness report. This being club election night, Jay Sullivan was elected to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors and Ed Litch Jr. was chosen president-elect. With there being no formal program for the evening, Bill Wall and Bartow Houston took a few minutes each to reflect upon what it’s like to serve as senior Rotarians. They produced some good laughs for the club. In closing, Ed Litch led members in reciting the Four Way Test of the Things We Think, Say and Do.