A to Z Doll Club hosts October meeting

Published 2:21 pm Friday, November 10, 2017

The A to Z Doll Club met at the Pizza Inn of Washington on Oct. 23. Those present were Diana Cates, Betty Ross, Joyce Tucker, Donna and Briley Hodges, Catherine Fulford, Patricia Harris, Marguerite Ferry, Joyce Carawan and Martha Seighman. Diana asked the blessing.
Birthdays included Patricia, Oct. 10; Colleen Lupton, Oct 11; and Marguerite F., Oct. 31.
Martha S. read the minutes and Shirley gave the treasurer’s report.
Diana announced that the November meeting would be cancelled because of its closeness to the December meeting, which will be held Dec. 4 at the Hitching Post in Williamston.
The group will start a Doll Club raffle beginning in January and draw the winner(s) at the April meeting.
Diana appointed a nominating committee for the upcoming election Dec. 4. (The new year starts with the January meeting.)  Martha R. will chair the committee, which includes Marguerite Ferry and Donna Hodges.
Door prizes were brought by Joyce T., Catherine, Diana and Patricia, and won by Joyce T., Patricia, Catherine, Diana, Donna, Shirley and Martha S.
The group voted to make a $100 Christmas contribution to Eagle’s Wings.
Show and Tell participants included Patricia, Betty, Donna, Marguerite, Shirley and Martha S.
Diana adjourned the meeting.