Venerate veterans

Published 5:59 pm Friday, November 10, 2017

For years, it was known as Armistice Day. A recent mention of Armistice Day resulted in inquisitive looks from a younger generation.

Today, we know Armistice Day as Veterans Day. That clarification resulted in the nodding of heads from that younger generation, which knew the bare facts about Veterans Day. Perhaps some information will help that younger general better understand and appreciate the importance of Veterans Day.

On Nov. 11, 1918, Germany signed an armistice with the Allies at 11 a.m., signaling the end of the war.

The public holiday began as a day to remember the end of World War I and was declared a holiday by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Originally known as Armistice Day, the holiday became Veterans Day in 1954.

When Wilson declared Nov. 11 a holiday, the primary intention was to have a day to reflect on the sacrifices made by those who fought in the First Great War.

Today, many Americans observe the day by attending ceremonies and parades dedicated to honoring troops in the United States military for their service. Services are often held that allow veterans to speak about their time in the service and give Americans the opportunity to personally thank veterans for their service.

Today at many events, Beaufort County residents and others nationwide will observe Veterans Day, a day dedicated to honoring those who have served in the United States military. Those events represent the country’s love and support for its men and women who sacrifice everything for the ideals and principles the country lives by and was founded on.

Today, find a veteran — man, woman, black, white, Marine rifleman, Army Ranger, Navy SEAL, Air Force pilot, Coast Guard rescue swimmer or Merchant Marine quartermaster — and do nothing more than thank them for their service. It’s the least we can do.