The good that prayer does

Published 4:50 pm Friday, November 17, 2017

To the Editor:

Recently, the news media is just bursting with people wanting to be in the spotlight as politicians and their followers say, “What good did prayer do for those people in that small town in that little Texan church?”

What good did prayer do? Here are a few suggestions for you, Elizabeth Warren.

A Christian plumber ran barefoot after evil and helped stop “it” from doing more.

A mother died in that little church shielding her four children with her body and her faith. Some were saved.

A world so self-involved, so give-it-to-me now, came to a stop; and for a while, people focused on their parents, on their children, on their neighbors and on their lives. They stopped to think, to be in tune with God like just maybe so many had not in days, months, maybe even years. On that day and because of that day of horror, some will remember that a Christian will not just tell you, but will show you, God’s way. The plumber did.

Law enforcement officers have told us how to protect ourselves when in danger: to run from the danger; to hide if you cannot run; and, last, to fight back.

Let’s carry this to another level:

  • Run away — get away from all types of evil every day.
  • Hide from evil — do not let it find you. Put yourself in the best places possible.
  • Fight back — live every day for the Lord. Live in such a way that others see God in you.

I believe we can learn a great deal from that horrible day in Texas, as well as from the many attacks in the past on our soil. God works in mysterious ways. Maybe we need to figure out how to do our part to make lives better.

To so many, so many, who are suffering, my prayers are sent to embrace you, to plea that you find better days and to tell you in a simple way that we care.

To the law enforcement and military workers all over our country and the world, I wish to thank you and your families for the daily dangers you face in order to keep America safe. Thank you.

The purpose of this letter, as you read it, was to have you sit still for a moment in this busy world and to think about you and your family. If just one reader makes a positive change in his life, good has overcome.

Sandra Wynne