Richland Seniors discuss Christmas activities

Published 3:02 pm Friday, November 24, 2017

The Richland Seniors met Nov. 7. In the absence of the president and vice president, Alice Briley opened the meeting with 25 members present.

Ken Lilley gave our devotion, The Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes and treasurer’s report was given and approved.

Ken and Sandi Lilley reported that the Community Christmas Choir is still practicing and will be ready to entertain on Dec. 2. Our December fundraiser was discussed, and all are ready for this project Dec. 12 at the Senior Center at 9 a.m.

On Dec. 1, members are to meet at the community center at 10 a.m. to decorate for the senior party. The refreshments for the Dec. 2 Christmas party were also discussed and are to be at the community center by 1 p.m.

The Richland Seniors’ Christmas party will be at the Aurora Community Center Dec. 2 at 2 p.m. Entertainment and refreshments will be served, and Santa will be available if you need to talk to him! All seniors in the surrounding area are invited.

Our speaker was Petre Franks, who is running for sheriff of Beaufort County in 2018. He expressed his agenda for the upcoming election; all enjoyed his visit.

It was stated that there will be no regular meeting in December and that the January meeting will be a well-deserved luncheon for our members in New Bern Jan. 2.

The meeting was adjourned. James Parker blessed the food, and fellowship was enjoyed by all.