Show some patience

Published 5:51 pm Monday, November 27, 2017

The lines will be long and the crowds denser than usual this holiday season.

These situations are mostly unavoidable, as everyone is trying to pick out the perfect gifts for loved ones before Dec. 25. The situation itself likely cannot be changed, but what can change is how shoppers handle it.

Rather than tapping a foot, letting out a loud sigh or scooting as close as possible behind the person in front, try waiting in line politely. Most cashiers are working as quickly as they can, and some retailers also hire new employees for the holiday season, so show these new employees some respect and patience as they get acclimated to a new job.

Being rude and demanding will not help any situation. Shoppers can go about their day after this kind of behavior, but it’s likely had a more permanent effect on those employees’ day. A long, busy day at work is no picnic to them, and neither is handling a rude customer. Don’t forget to treat retail employees with respect.

These same tips apply to the parking lot, as well. Developing “road rage” will only increase the potential for accidents. Yes, having more traffic in the way is a stressful situation, but every other driver is experiencing the same stress. Whipping in and out of parking spaces and cutting in front of other drivers is a recipe for disaster — and a recipe for a ruined Christmas season.

Make the effort to have a little more patience this season. Bad attitudes will not make the line move any faster. Honking horns won’t make traffic run any more smoothly. All it does is make a bad situation worse.

Christmas is a season of love and kindness, but yet many seem to forget that in the process. Patience should apply all year round, but it is even more important during the holidays.