Orientation course helps new mayors understand duties
Published 8:45 pm Thursday, December 14, 2017
New mayors across North Carolina have taken their oaths of office in recent days. Thursday, some of them went to “school.”
That school was a one-day orientation Thursday at the Washington Civic Center. Staff members with the North Carolina League of Municipalities and the University of North Carolina’s School of Government conducted the orientation. It is designed to help first-time mayors understand the nature of their roles in municipal government. The orientation is not a substitute for the more comprehensive Essentials of Municipal Government course offered by the School of Government.
The orientation provides immediate assistance as new mayors assume office and take on new challenges, according to the NCLM website.
Washington City Council member William Pitt, NCLM vice president, attended the orientation. “Its not often we have these sort of things in Washington,” he said.
Bobby Owens, Manteo’s new mayor, was among the 17 mayors who attended the orientation. “I hope to learned the fundamentals such as how to run a meeting, and I hope to learn now to be a good mayor,” Owens said. “I want to benefit from the experience and knowledge of those leading the orientation.”
John Stephens, with the School of Government, believes the orientation provides a good foundation for new mayors. “It’s to help newly elected mayors feel they are ready to work effectively. We explain to them their legal duties as mayors,” said Stephens, one of the orientation facilitators.
Vickie Miller, a NCLM representative, said the NCLM and School of Government have conducted such orientations for about 20 years. “They (new mayors) are very appreciative. We prepare them for what they will face as they help govern their communities. We connect them with resources that can help them,” Miller said.
The state’s open-meetings law and public-records law were explained to the new mayors. Other presentations included being spokespersons for their municipalities and proven ways to build good working relationships with the media.