The momentum is growing

Published 8:44 pm Thursday, December 14, 2017


It has charm. It has history. It has a river that runs next to it and a boardwalk from which to admire it. Washington has all the elements of the picturesque, small Southern town revered by so many.

But as with any town of its type, the 1970s and 1980s saw a rush to new buildings and the advent of the mall. Then it became less of an inconvenience to travel to the neighboring larger town to shop and dine and be entertained. Businesses slowly drained away from downtown, but for a few stalwarts — those who would hang on to their small businesses, right where they were.

Those folks are to be appreciated; they formed the foundation on which other businesses could be established within a small, but functioning, business district. Over the last two decades, many businesses have come and, sadly, have gone. But it would appear these days, they’re sticking.

There are nine art galleries in the downtown Washington business district. There are numerous restaurants that have proven to have staying power. There’s a bakery/coffee shop that has customers every hour it’s open. There’s a theater that offers everything from improv comedy workshops to art exhibits, children’s crafts to classic movies, live community theater to sell-out concerts featuring quality entertainment. There are plenty of places to shop.

Part of downtown Washington’s charm is in the fact that there are no big chain stores. Its history can be clearly seen in the renovation of historic buildings for modern retail purposes. In this picturesque, small Southern town, a renaissance of the business district is in full swing. The momentum is growing. Success is stemming success.

Visit Washington — it’s just down the street.