Policy Manual search

Published 5:33 pm Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A recent report shows that 752 searches of the Tyrrell County Schools’ Online Policy Manual were conducted during the first four months of school. That’s an average of more than one search per hour each workday.

The Manual consists of 321 policies adopted over time by the Tyrrell County Board of Education. The main categories of governance and number of policies under each are listed below:

Governing principals, 21

Board operations, 40

Educational programs, 40

Students, 67

Community relationships, 22

Support services, 51

Personnel, 46

Fiscal management, 19

Facilities, 15

Each policy is footnoted with its legal reference; that is, which state or federal law(s) authorizes the school district to enact the policy.

For convenience, there’s a cross reference to other applicable policies.

And there’s the date the policy was adopted.

“Please continue to use this resource,” Dr. Will Hoffman, superintendent, exhorted those who visit the website: www.tyrrell.k12.nc.us/policy.