Doing what they do best

Published 8:14 pm Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Journalism has approached a crossroads in recent years. The internet has made information readily available to about everyone as it occurs. There are outlets — The Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and others — that cover subjects for a national audience.

But, for every national newspaper, there are dozens covering a much smaller scale. Some report on a region like a group of counties or even an entire state. Others, like the Washington Daily News, dedicate themselves to a single community. In the Daily News’ case, that would be Beaufort County.

The internet has made national stories available anywhere and at any time. A person can reach into his pocket for his smartphone and quickly read about, for example, the passing of Billy Graham.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t news. It’s important news. It’s just news that can be found elsewhere.

Instead, the Daily News staff is dedicated to covering Beaufort County as thoroughly as possible. Within the pages each day is news about local government, hometown businesses and stories about local sports teams.

Featured in each issue are people that are friends, family and neighbors. Local schoolchildren are often highlighted for their accomplishments in and out of the classroom.

Daily prayers — something that has become increasingly difficult to find in newspapers — are in almost every issue. There are even comments and concerns from anonymous folks around town printed for everyone to read and discuss.

The Daily News covers Beaufort County better than any other outlet. That’s the main objective. It does so — on an award-winning level — with sparse newsroom resources. That doesn’t mean the editorial staff doesn’t consider national and international news important.

Reporting on matters that go beyond the community level don’t always fall in line with the goal of covering Beaufort County fairly, accurately and in a timely manner. The Daily News is the “Voice of the Pamlico.” It has and will continue to dedicate its resources to informing county residents on everything and anything happening right here.