Upcoming classes at BCCC: social media policy, line dancing and recordkeeping
Published 8:15 pm Friday, March 2, 2018
These classes are available through Beaufort County Community College’s Continuing Education Division. To register or for more information, call 252-940-6375 or email continuingeducation@beaufortccc.edu. Ask to join the mailing list for the latest updates.
Sharon Owens is a Kripalu Yoga certified instructor, and she will lead participants to practice movement, breathing work and meditation to become present in the moment and fully alive. The stretching is gentle and the benefits are immeasurable. Students will need to bring their own mat. Other equipment will be supplied. This $36 class will start March 8 and run on Thursdays from 5:30-6:45 p.m.
Developing and Implementing a Social Media Plan and Policy
This seminar will help business owners to use social media with a plan to generate reviews and enhance their reputation instead of just throwing things out there with a risk of damaging their reputation. This course for business and civic leaders is designed to develop a social media plan and reduce their liability by having a social media policy.
The seminar will discuss how to create, construct and manage a social media plan and policy, using a template and checklist, platforms, posting frequency. It will go over content, who will post and whether your social media activities include email marketing and website updates. The seminar will also discuss how having a plan and policy contributes to better employee buy-in and brand consistency and loyalty. This free seminar will take place on March 8 at 6 p.m.
Line Dancing
Our line dancing classes are very popular. With additional sections and longer sessions, we have built on the success of previous classes. Line dancing improves memory while students learn the various dances. The class will go through 20 different styles. This moderate and gentle exercise will get students ready for weddings and holiday parties. Two $30 classes are starting on March 12; one runs in the morning at 10 a.m., and one that runs in the evenings at 6 p.m.
Students can continue with intermediate line dancing classes, with new dances and more complex arrangements starting May 7. The classes will build upon all the steps from the beginner class to give students more dances and more fun.
Financing Your Business
Brian Cooke will help participants take their business plans and dreams and make them a reality by tackling financing. Students will learn how to finance a business and who to seek out for good, solid and reliable advice. They will learn about loans and grants that can assist them. This free seminar will take place March 12 at 3 p.m.
Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business
This workshop is perfect for business owners who know their product or service very well, but are frustrated by accounting. Owners should not be working hard and running out of cash at the end of the month. This seminar will help participants understand the financial aspects of a business and associated taxes. Participants will become familiar with those financial terms that confuse them, but are the road map to their success. Topics will include traits that make a business thrive and grow, CPAs and when and how do you use them, reading financial statements, required federal and state reports, and determining profit. The free seminar takes place March 19 from 3-6 p.m.