Tyrrell BOE adopts 2019 interim budget
Published 1:13 pm Tuesday, May 22, 2018
The Tyrrell County Board of Education on May 16 met in special session and approved the Local Current Expense and Capital Outlay Budget Resolution and passed an Interim Budget Resolution for all other funds in the amount of $10,087,933.
Projected average daily membership (ADM) for the 2018-2019 school year is 607 students.
Dr. Will Hoffman, superintendent, outlined some of the budget’s highlights:
- Funds will be allocated to each school in a block grant based on ADM, which equates to approximately $40 per student.
- The board ceased the current $5 supply fee. These funds are available to provide field trips, cultural enrichment, supplemental classroom supplies, and other school-based needs not covered by other funding sources.
- Annual supplements are enhanced to include classified staff, based on years of experience, who were not previously included.
- An additional 10% has been added to enhance existing supplements for teachers and other certified staff.
- Pay raises will be adjusted according to the final state budget.
- Continued funding for the academic growth incentive bonus plan for teachers.
- Additional funding was approved for arts programming.
- Additional positions approved for TES and CMS/CHS as needed for increases in class sizes.
- Safety upgrades to the 6-12 campus with new door access control equipment has been approved for summer installation, restrooms will be upgraded for ADA (handicap) compliance, and programmable thermostats will be added to classrooms for energy efficiency.