Hyde County DSS seeks foster parents

Published 6:52 pm Wednesday, September 5, 2018

From the Hyde County Department of Social Services

Hyde County Department of Social Services is currently seeking anyone willing and interested in becoming a licensed foster parent. With the growing number of children entering foster care in our county, we are in great need of licensed foster homes. The Children of Hyde County should have the option to stay within their county but with limited homes available, they are being placed in other counties.

A 30 hour MAPP class will be provided in Hyde County with enough participation, and a monthly monetary benefit is provided for each child in the home. There are a number of reasons to become a foster parent:

  • You aren’t quite done parenting.
  • You have no children
  • You feel the need to give back to the community.
  • You enjoy a challenge.

For more information, contact Hyde County DSS Director Laurie Potter at 252-926-4476.