Where to donate, how to help your neighbors

Published 9:19 am Monday, September 17, 2018

While many in Beaufort County are still working to pick up the pieces left behind by Hurricane Florence, those who fared better may consider donating to the following

Food, water, supplies 

Beginning today and continuing daily, from 9 a.m to 4 p.m., Eagle’s Wings Food Pantry, located at 932 W. Third St. in Washington, will be accepting donations for Beaufort County hurricane relief. They will be accepting canned goods, pantry items, dry goods like rice, beans and pasta, paper products, cleaning supplies, diapers, hygiene products, formula, water and boxed or bagged cereal. These items will be distributed throughout the county.

Furniture, household items, clothes
Items may be delivered to The Salvation Army, located at 112 E. Seventh St. in Washington. However, according to Salvation Army Lt. Karl Bush, the best way to donate is financially, as that can allow the organization to provide vouchers for those in need to get what they need most from the store.

“The best way to donate currently is financially because we’re able to get exactly what is needed, versus trying to figure out the logistics of donated items,” Bush said. “Clothing and furniture donations go to our stores, as they normally do. When we begin our process of disaster social services, folks will most likely receive vouchers to come to our stores. That helps cut out the logistical part of trying to get those specific things to specific people. And then again with the financial donations, we’re not just here in Washington. Wilmington is much far worse than we are. So those finances donated will go throughout the Carolinas where it’s needed.”

To make a financial donation, call 1-800-SAL-ARMY, text “STORM” to 5155 or visit HelpSalvationArmy.org. 100 percent of donations for disaster relief go toward the cause, according to Delaney.

Neighborly help

In addition to these donation points, one of the most helpful things people can do right now is offer assistance to their neighbors.

“We would certainly encourage people to reach out to their neighbor and build back from the community outward,” Beaufort County Manager Brian Alligood said on Sunday. “They can look after and help their neighbors. We anticipate outside supplies coming in and we’re making preparations to receive those. That’s where Eagle’s Wings is going to be available monday to start doing that if people want to drop off canned goods, non-perishable goods and water. They have a network to push those out. North Carolina Baptist men are in the process of coming into set up some feeding stations. Other community organizations are starting up to do their thing. We will see a lot of influx of support coming in and we’re very appreciative of it. We will work hard to make sure that information gets out and make sure they have access to that.”
For more information, call the Emergency Management Donations Help Line at 252-940-6517.