Taking small steps toward normal

Published 7:27 pm Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Today, The Washington Daily News took a step back toward normal. For the first time since last Tuesday, Sept. 11, the newspaper printed its community calendar section. For the first time since the disaster struck, phones at the Daily News were ringing on Tuesday with calls from community members sharing stories and events coming up later this week.

As scheduled plans and events were thrown out the window in the face of a hurricane last week, Beaufort County faced a state of uncertainty, each person asking how their homes and loved ones would fare through the storm. Like so many plans, “normal” went out the window as well.

In the aftermath of Florence, each of us are looking for a return to normal. For many in our county, the work to be done still remains overwhelming. For those who had homes and businesses underwater, the return to normal will be a long road.

Yet, in the weeks and months ahead, the burden they feel as they restore their properties will not be carried alone. An army of volunteers stand willing and ready to help their neighbors and the community as a whole.

If you are in need, it is okay to ask for help. There are a lot of people who want to give it. Bill Withers almost certainly put it best — “no one can fill those of your needs that you won’t let show.”

To the ends of connecting those in need with those who have resources, volunteers from Virginia Baptist Disaster Relief are manning a hotline at 252-495-6040 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Whether you have or need, call them.

To quote Withers one more time, “we all need somebody to lean on.” This is especially going to be true for our community as Beaufort County continues to get back up on its feet.

If you need help, ask for it. Together, with the support of those around us, we can all keep taking small steps back to normal.