Write Again … A special school

Published 7:48 pm Monday, December 17, 2018

We have all heard of Davidson College.

It’s a small school, Presbyterian-affiliated, located in a little town near Charlotte.

This institution is widely regarded as a first-rate school, highly rated academically. Highly. A strong percentage of its graduates go on to study medicine, law, or to graduate schools.

One could compile an impressive, and lengthy, list of outstanding Davidson alumni. Some who achieved much renown.

Davidson College had one of its own go on to become a college president, a governor, then President of the United States. Woodrow Wilson.

One of its alumni, who had been a starter on the basketball team at Davidson, went on to become a Rhodes scholar, then served as Secretary of State under presidents Kennedy and Johnson. It was said that he loved to tell how they beat UNC once in basketball. It was my pleasure to join with a few others and chat with Dean Rusk once at the University of Georgia, where he was then a professor of international law.

John Belk, son of William Henry Belk, founder of the Belk stores, was co-captain of the team in 1942-43. He went on to become mayor of Charlotte.

Terry Holland, a native of Clinton, was an outstanding basketball player for the Wildcats. He later was an assistant, then head coach there, then became a very successful head coach at the University of Virginia. We all remember his very productive tenure as athletic director at ECU.

Dr. Pack Hindsley, retired medical doctor who practiced right here in little old Washington, was an All-Southern Conference football player for the Wildcats. More recently, he was inducted into their Hall of Fame in recognition of his football prowess.

Our own Sam Grimes, retired district court judge, is a Davidson alum.

This state is truly blessed to have so many genuinely outstanding institutions of higher learning. We are well known for this asset far and wide, and most especially by our faster talking friends up north.

And little Davidson College stands proudly among the best of them.