The greatest gifts to be given

Published 6:54 pm Wednesday, December 19, 2018

It’s that most wonderful time of the year. Shopping, parties, gifts and goodies permeate most people’s lives when the end of the year rolls around. It’s a time to celebrate.

One would think that with so many things and events to celebrate, the idea that someone might not feel like celebrating is an impossibility. But the “holiday blues” is very real for many people.

There are a few reasons depression is prevalent during the holidays. For those who do not have a significant other or family, or those who live far away from family, the holidays might not be so joyful. For those who have lost a loved one this year, this may be the first Christmas spent without their presence. Those who are experiencing difficult life circumstances — illness, a loss of a job, divorce and more — may not be dealing well with how these life changes affect this holiday in comparison to happier holidays of the past.

If you’re one of those people, there are ways to combat the “holiday blues.”

For the lonely: find ways to be around others, whether it’s a trip to the grocery store, a church service or a visit to an art gallery. Interacting with people, even in the smallest of ways, can abate loneliness. Find ways to lift the spirit, perhaps by going on a trip or volunteering at the many nonprofits in Beaufort County.

For those who’ve lost a loved one: accepting an invitation to a party or seeking joy in the season does not diminish that loss. It’s also OK to let people know how much you miss your loved one during this first Christmas.

To those whose circumstances dictate a holiday unlike those of the past: if adhering to old traditions makes you sad, then consider making new traditions. There’s no hard and fast rule about how Christmas should be celebrated.

And for all those who’ve never been touched by the “holiday blues,” reach out to that friend, family member, coworker, neighbor, fellow church member, grocery store clerk — anyone, really — with a kind word, a thoughtful gesture or, more importantly, a willing ear. They are truly the greatest gifts to be given this time of year.