It’s one sweet investment

Published 6:53 pm Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How many of us saw this phenomena: it’s two days before Christmas and, in some stores, the Christmas stock had already disappeared. It hadn’t disappeared because it’d all been sold, either. It disappeared to be replaced with Valentine’s Day merchandise.

Here’s where some may heave a big sigh — there’s no stopping commercialism, and it’s gotten to the point where one holiday can’t even be celebrated before consumers’ heads are turned by the next.

But those retailers setting out Valentine’s Day stock before Christmas missed the next holiday. It’s not, actually, Feb. 14. It’s Jan. 12. Jan. 12 is the day Girl Scouts across the country start selling Girl Scout cookies.

There are 1.8 million Girl Scouts; 26,000 of them are in central and eastern North Carolina. The Girl Scout Cookie Program is behind the largest financial investment in girls in the country. That investment pays off: 53 percent of female entrepreneurs and business owners are former Girl Scouts.

“When we invest in girls, we are giving them the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence they need to take the lead in making the world a better place,” said Lisa Jones, chief executive officer at Girl Scouts – North Carolina Coastal Pines. “The Girl Scout Cookie Program has provided girls with the incredible opportunity to develop key skills like goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics while allowing them to fund once in a lifetime experiences.”

While most people’s celebration comes in the form of Thin Mints, Caramel deLights and more, Girl Scouts celebrate the proceeds with community projects, travel, outdoor adventure and STEM programming.

Before you make that Valentine’s Day purchase, consider another investment. An investment in cookies is an investment in the future — and that’s a whole lot better than any box of chocolates.

To find out where Girl Scouts are selling cookies near you, visit or download the free Girl Scout Cookie Finder app.