A foundation of kindness

Published 7:48 pm Monday, March 11, 2019

Tracey and I were having dinner the other night, and we sat at the table next to Sam and Barbara Grimes. Most of our conversation involved sports and the time I was a water boy for the high school football team. Sam was a star end on that team and also a basketball player for the Pam Pack. He graduated and attended UNC and is still an avid Tar Heel fan.

Sam brought back many fond memories of that team and the experiences we shared. The players, even though much older than me, treated me like a little brother. Names like Ted Day, Phil Moore, Joe Leggett and Sam Grimes always will come to my mind when thinking of that team. Little did I know that I was being introduced to coaching in the sixth grade!

Coach Wagner always took his team to a college football game each year. That year it was the Duke – Georgia Tech game played in Durham at Wallace Wade Stadium on the campus of Duke University. We met in front of Washington High School early that Saturday and boarded a Trailways bus for our trip to Durham. This was an exciting experience for me because never had I ridden a Trailways bus or been to a college game, and I was doing both with my heroes! As we unloaded the bus and entered Wallace Wade Stadium, we had to walk down a long flight of concrete steps to find our seats. I was nervous and scared that I could not find my seat. But in my moment of panic, Sam reached back for my hand. He made sure that I didn’t get lost in the crowd. He never looked back, just wanted to make sure I was in the right section. It was so thoughtful of Sam Grimes. This is a story that I have never shared with Sam but felt as though it was time.

Sam Grimes became a well-known judge in our area. My legal friends in Williamston all knew Judge Grimes. Jimmy Hardison and William Griffin (both judges), as well as the lawyers, all have told me how fair he was when interpreting the law from the bench. They never knew that he was the senior football player that reached back to make sure a young boy was seated correctly. Sam has never given that a thought, but please believe me, I have over all these years. Kind gestures of friendship and helping others is something we all need to try and do more often, like Sam Grimes did for me.

Thank you, Judge Grimes, for all that you have done to promote justice and serve the people of eastern North Carolina. You certainly laid a foundation for all to follow. Thanks also from that little boy for your kindness and guidance!

They were the best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places, Washington, NC!

— Harold Jr.

Harold Robinson Jr. is a native of Washington.