Columbia’s economic plan writing committee begins work
Published 6:19 pm Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Columbia’s Five-Year Plan committee met recently with Lee Padrick, planner with the NC Department of Commerce.
The local group analyzed both opportunities and weaknesses the town faces in efforts to improve economic development between now and 2025.
The committee is to meet again on August 15, when Padrick is expected to present statistics and a process the committee may use in setting five or six goals to be achieved during the plan’s lifetime.
They’re trying to use our natural resuourse to build more tourism and perhaps other interests,” commented town manager Rhett White.
The aldermen appointed a 13-member committee set out broad goals and provide general guidance and direction for town activities during the five-year period.
Committee members and the entities they represent are: Lloyd Armstrong and Hal Fleming, board of aldermen; Barbara J. Spencer and Janet Walker, planning board; Victoria Barber, Concerned Citizens Group, Karen Clough, chamber of commerce; Oliver Holley, board of education; Lauren Nelson, Eastern 4-H Center; Major Shively, sheriff’s office; James Stehlin, parks and recreation; Marlene True, Pocosin Arts; and Kim Wheeler, director of the Red Wolf Coalition.
Mayor James Cahoon will chair the committee.
The Main Street and Rural Planning Center within the NC Department of Commerce is furnishing technical assistance and staff for the local committee.
Columbia’s current economic development document, a 10-year plan titled Vision 20/20, was adopted in 2008.