Free series for current and future small businesses

Published 6:50 pm Friday, August 2, 2019


WASHINGTON — Small business owners or small business dreamers can take advantage of these five free classes offered through Beaufort County Community College’s Small Business Center this fall. The series will be offered twice. Participants who complete all five classes are eligible to for a certificate of completion that can help with securing funding and investment for a new business. This series will be taught by David Mayo, of East Carolina University’s Miller School of Business, and Keith Kidwell, local H&R Block owner. Call 252-940-6375 to register.


How to Start a Small Business

This course is designed to answer questions such as: are you ready to start a business, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a new business, where do I obtain permits and licenses, what tax information is needed and where do I find it, and how do I maintain objectivity. David Mayo is the presenter. Two sessions will be offered this fall, on Aug. 5 and Oct. 14, from 6 to 8 p.m.


How to Write a Business Plan

Starting a small business is a huge step for anyone. This class will help students with the fundamentals of writing a business plan. A business plan is the foundation for success when deciding to start a new business or acquire an existing business. It is key when it comes to seeking funds for a business. Two sessions of this class will be offered, on Aug. 19 and Oct. 28 from 6 to 8 p.m.


Marketing and Advertising for Your Business

Drawing attention to your business is tougher than ever before. Large chain stores, a challenging economy, the Internet, etc. have made the small business venture often times frustrating. You can take matters into your hands and discover what you can do to bring customers to you. In this seminar, David Mayo will teach low-cost advertising/marketing strategies and methods, creating a marketing plan, scoring greater sales with current customers and other “tricks” of the trade. The Small Business Center is offering one session Sept. 9 and another Nov. 4. Both sessions take place from 6 to 8 p.m.


Financing Your Business

Starting your own business is part of the American dream. You’ve given this thought and sought advice. You are just about ready to begin. Then you ask yourself; how do I finance my business; who can give me good, solid, reliable advice; are there loans/grants available to assist me; what should I be aware of? The economy can be tough, so consider taking this course. You can take this class Sept. 23 or Nov. 18. Both sessions take place from 6 to 8 p.m.


Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business

Do you know your product or service upside down and backwards, but the numbers just drive you up the wall? Do you really work hard, but always seem to run out of cash at the end of the month? This seminar will help you understand the financial aspects of your business. We’ll talk about tax issues. You’ll become familiar with those financial terms that confuse you, but are the road map to your success. Keith Kidwell is your presenter. You will learn what makes your business thrive and grow, what is a CPA and when and how do you use them, how to understand financial statements, what your banker is looking for, what federal and state reports are required, and if you made that much money, where is it? This class is offered Oct. 7 and Dec. 9. Both sessions take place from 6 to 9 p.m.