Write Again … As seen from here

Published 6:54 pm Friday, November 22, 2019

Well, now. Here I sit in the wee hours — very wee — of a chilly and rainy Friday morning (when you read this it will have been Friday of last week) trying to think of something to write about.

You see, I really do feel an obligation to my three loyal readers, to come up with something. Okay, that’s a bit of contrived, false modesty. I think I just might have more than three readers. Shoot, the number might even be close to a dozen. Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, though.

Enough of this. Let me try to get on with it.

You know, as well as I , that we truly live in a time of divisiveness here in this land we love. Or should love.

The pundits refer to identity or tribal politics. We seem to be divided, in the main, into two almost polar opposite camps. And (I know, don’t start a sentence with “and”) we read and watch news outlets that support our own views, in the main, and eschew considering a different perspective. We all know this.

Let me suggest, however, that there is more to the national preferences than just left and right. The other “main” group would be those who are truly apathetic, uninformed, uninterested, often un-or-under-educated, many of whom are marginalized in society. Some would say they are an under-class, but that seems to suggest a certain hubris on the part of the ones doing the classifying.

Historians, some at least, whose studies of our America in revolutionary times suggest that when our country was striving to become independent, the populace was probably divided into three approximately equal parts: those who supported revolution; those who didn’t; and those who were apathetic.

So. Some two hundred and forty-plus years later we find ourselves divided, not completely unsimilarly, but over and about much different causes, reasons.

Perhaps the most striking difference, however, is the degree of rancor, vitriol, anger, utter nastiness, and unfortunately, an unhealthy measure of meanness by some.

Now, I don’t want to end today’s mental meanderings in such a down-hearted, less than hopeful way.

Let’s allow our better angels to emerge. Let’s make a point to say something positive, something even nice, to someone with whom we may find very little political agreement.

Let’s even allow ourselves to respect — we don’t have to share their views — those who hold different religious beliefs, as well as those who do not profess to be religious.

In other words, let’s try to extend common decency to others.

Many of you do this every day, I know. Some don’t. Being nice does not connote weakness.

Enough of this, though. Too much?

Let’s each of us try to cherish the day.
