Conservation group seeks to preserve waterfowl hunting, preps for banquet

Published 6:48 pm Monday, January 6, 2020

It takes a healthy environment, good management and conservation to keep sports such as hunting and fishing thriving, and a new chapter of Delta Waterfowl is working to ensure those things for the next generation in eastern North Carolina.

After five years as an active member of Ducks Unlimited, Chris Toppings founded the Eastern North Carolina Chapter of Delta Waterfowl in January of last year, with a goal of serving Pitt, Beaufort and Hyde counties.

The organization will host its inaugural banquet at the Washington Civic Center on Jan. 18. Funds raised during next weekend’s banquet will support local efforts such as youth hunting trips, hunting trips for veterans, installation of wood duck boxes for nesting habitats and firearm safety events.

“We have a say so in the dollars we raise,” Toppings said. “We get to keep them in the local community, so that’s huge. It’s huge for the people to see their dollars at work.”

Billed as “The Duck Hunters Organization,” the Delta Waterfowl Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to waterfowl research and management, habitat conservation and passing on the tradition of waterfowl hunting to the next generation. All the organization’s activities, from tagging and studying waterfowl to enhancing duck breeding habitats, are all focused toward that goal.

“Another thing is educating young hunters about conservation and respect for the outdoors,” Toppings said. “It’s more than just the hunt.”

Toppings, who has been hunting waterfowl for 16 years, says it’s become harder to find places to hunt because some hunters have used bad practices such as littering or abusing hunting permissions. Through volunteer work, such as river cleanups, Toppings says he hopes to help change that perception.

In another service project, the Pirate Nation Club at East Carolina University built and donated 20 wood duck nesting boxes to Delta Waterfowl last year, which Toppings is still working to put up throughout the three-county area. The new boxes will provide a safe nesting habitat for migratory birds.

SAFE HABITAT: Soon to be erected throughout Beaufort, Pitt and Hyde counties, 20 wood duck nesting boxes built and donated by the Pirate Nation Club at East Carolina University will offer safe refuge for migrating waterfowl, helping bolster the population. (Chris Toppings)

Toppings said his organization is looking for new members and volunteers to help with the chapter’s various projects. While the new Delta Waterfowl chapter has seen considerable interest among older generations, the hope is to attract young hunters to the group as well.

“So many of the young hunters only know Ducks Unlimited, and that’s fine, because that’s a great organization as well,” Toppings said. “I know with time, it will get to where we need it to be … in this region, we probably have 300 to 400 members who have joined Delta through its website. It would be nice to double that in the next few years.”

Those wishing to attend the banquet next weekend can purchase tickets Tickets are $65 per person or $80 for couples, with table sponsorships available. For more information, or to purchase tickets in person, contact Toppings at 252-402-4988 or email To learn more about Delta Waterfowl, visit