Memories of the first pep rally

Published 6:19 pm Monday, January 27, 2020

There were four freshmen who attended their first pep rally in shock and awe. Our eyes were as big as softballs because we were so nervous that we might make a noticeable mistake walking into the gym in front of the whole student body. Jamie Weatherly, Henton Chesson, Kenneth (Big Lemon) Cratch and I walked into the gym like we were seniors, but inside, we were more than nervous!

As we entered the gym, we could hear the cheerleaders leading the student body in cheers. Mrs. Betty Ann Perkins was their sponsor, and she took great pride in her cheerleading squad. They were wearing their blue and white uniforms and were some of the prettiest girls in school, especially to a young freshman boy. These girls had worked hard preparing the gym with decorations, cheers and a skit that they always performed to boost our team.

Mr. Larkin had his pep band playing our fight song loud and clear. His marching band was too large for the gym so he had to form a pep band to play. The cheerleaders led the student body in “Oh, We’re The Pam Pack,” and they played it two or three times. The band and the cheerleaders were perfectly choreographed, thanks to Mrs. Perkins and Mr. Larkin.

The football team entered wearing their navy blue monogram jackets and sat as a team in a section of the bleachers reserved only for them. This area was usually under the press box side of the gym. No one else was allowed to sit there, not even the jayvee team because it was the upperclassmen’s day. We all wanted our day to come, and the years seemed to creep by for us. Some of us never got to play, but we loved the atmosphere surrounding a Pam Pack football game. These four freshmen will never forget their first pep rally!

As a young boy, after school, I never thought 8 o’clock would come! That day after school, time seemed to slow down, and I could not wait to see our Pam Pack play. Kugler Field was going to rock as the team entered the field, and Mr. Jake Morrow would always be standing behind the goal posts with his newspapers in his coat pocket. He was always there, in town and at away games. He was the standard barrier that I remember.

Memories — boy, were they good memories! Time and memories are something we all have and no one can take it from you, and mine were good! Thank all of you for the memories.

They were the best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places, Washington, N.C. The Original Washington!


— Harold Jr.

Harold Robinson Jr. is a native of Washington.