Write Again…I am cared for with kindness
Published 5:20 pm Wednesday, July 6, 2022
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It was the top half of one page, titled “The Hotline”, dated June 2022.
There’s a duo-tone of someone in a big, straw beach hat by the water, and a boldface and underlined headline reads “Summertime nostalgia!” A small outline of North Carolina has “NorCCRA” on it.
Listed, and arranged as separate entities, each on a descending visual path are (I’ll list them horizontally one after another to conserve space.):
“Campfires and marshmallow roasts! The vacation house! Trips to the beach! Flip flops and bathing suits! Lazy days and warm nights! Chairs that get up when you do!”
And “Many flavors of ice cream! Long evening walks! Hotdogs on the backyard grill! Gardening. (No exclamation point used for this one.) Parties! Lots of parties! BBQ outdoors with friends!”
All special times, good memories.
The following, written by our dear friend Mary Alice Chapin, a resident of Cypress Glen in Greenville, is cleverly juxtaposed, but separate and stand-alone:
“What you do have in retirement is:
A warm fire from gas logs in the entrance hall
With many resting and talking as they wait for supper.
Trips to near-by parks and shows.
A walk-through to a beautiful swimming pool-Either free swimming or a class.
Casual clothes each day, but maybe
A little something special for church on Sunday.
It’s like boarding a Cruise ship, packing only what you need.
Setting up “your own space” with your bed and chair. Looking out to see nice
Buildings and manicured grounds to make you feel safe.
Daily meals that appear before you with very good service.
The front desk knows about everything. Just call and you get attention.
You do pay for the good service but probably no more than when you
Manage a home, operate a car and replace a roof. “I am cared for with kindness from everyone.” Special sentiments from a special lady. APROPOS – “How wise are those who choose to see the good in their lives.”