2023 Municipal Election Guide

Published 12:01 pm Monday, November 6, 2023

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On Tuesday, Nov. 7, Beaufort County citizens will head to the poll to vote for the candidates they think will best represent their municipality. If you haven’t had a chance to meet the candidates, read about them here within the pages of the Daily News. 

Polls will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30p.m. To find out where your polling precinct is located visit, https://vt.ncsbe.gov/pplkup/  Voting will not take place at the Board of Elections. 

One important note to make about this year’s election is the requirement to present voter identification. Citizens should be prepared to show photo identification when they arrive to vote. This can include a valid driver’s license, a Department of Motor Vehicles ID, US Passport, a college or student ID, military ID, a travel enrollment card or a voter ID obtained from the Board of Elections. 

If a person happens to forget their identification, Director of the Beaufort County Board of Elections Kellie Hopkins said, “For those who do not have a valid photo ID on election day, they may still vote by signing an ID exception form, explaining why they have not presented a valid ID. For those who simply forgot to bring their photo ID, they will be asked to fill out and sign a provisional ballot, which will be placed in an envelope. They will then have ten days to come to the office and show their valid photo ID and their ballot will then be counted, but it must be done by 5 p.m. on the tenth day following the election.”






Name: Bobby Roberson 

Address: 235 East Main Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: 

B.S. History – Business Administration, Master’s Public Administration Water planning 

UNC School of Government, Budget and Finance, historic preservation zoning administration, advance planning subdivision administration 

Occupation: Retired, Real Estate Broker 

Personal Statement: 

No new taxes, no new fees and complete transparency in the City. Washington is where I grew up, and I want the city and citizens to prosper. My experience includes both the private and public sectors. In Washington’s City government, I have been elected to three terms on City Council, twice as Mayor Pro-Tem. I interrupted my council service to accept my council members’ request to step aside from City Council to serve as your City Manager. I have served by appointment of two governors on the Historic Bath Commission. That background gives me a much greater depth of experience in city government than any other candidate in this election. In the private sector, I was a production planner and statistician with Texas Gulf Sulfur In Aurora . After that, I started my own business, Roberson Construction Company, where  I was a licensed general contractor and real estate broker. I am the only candidate for mayor with private sector business management experience. As a member of city council, I have never voted for a tax increase. At the end of my tenure as City Manager, I left the general fund a $1.2 million surplus. We need to better utilize our existing resources. I am a strong believer in government transparency. I want more citizen input and a government in the sunshine. As your mayor, I will be an experienced fighter for better government. I would never spend taxpayer dollars to prevent subdivision development in front of my house. I would never lend taxpayer dollars to any non-profit without a binding legal contract. Let’s get started. 

Name: Donald Sadler 

Address: 145 Atkins Drive

Level of Education and/or Training: 

Graduate of Washington High School; Completed Law Enforcement and EMT training

and certification at Beaufort County Community College, and Magistrate School at

the North Carolina Institute of Government.

Occupation: I am a retired Chief Magistrate Judge and presently serve as Mayor of Washington on

the Pamlico.

Personal Statement: As mayor I’ve moved ALL of Washington forward while keeping Washington financially sound. My style of inclusive transparent leadership appeals to citizens. I’m accessible, answering calls and hearing concerns firsthand. With impactful issues on the table, I insist that public forums are widely announced and meeting locations varied, making citizen participation easier. Because we do business this way: DOT accepted and will fund 15th Street’s redesign; CAMA planning included significant citizen input and will be a working document. Business and housing developers have discovered us. We’ve increased ribbon cuttings for businesses and city-owned facilities/parks. We must take Washington forward on this wave of interest. I support low/moderate-income housing and home repair assistance for the elderly. Our partnership with WHA has prompted other investors to restore some inner-city properties. Such partnerships are widely used by cities addressing housing shortages. Every council member who wished to be fully informed of the City-WHA Partnership participated in training to ensure we DO THIS RIGHT. In our New Bern training, Institute of Government presenters commended our model. While downtown continues to thrive, we still need family restaurants along Washington’s major thoroughfares. With limited dining options, we’re losing revenue from flow-through traffic AND local citizens. Washington deserves better. Addressing drainage began with a grant-funded hospital district initiative. We’ve cleaned inner-city catch basins that feed to Jack’s Creek. Dredging will increase Jack Creek’s capacity to retain storm runoff. An inner-city CDGB-NR grant can address housing and infrastructure issues that we can’t afford with city tax dollars alone. Diversity on Advisory Boards has improved. Caring council members get it—inclusive representation is progressive and productive. Diversifying our community entertainment options with concerts and festivals all over Washington is a blessing. Our inaugural Hispanic Heritage Celebration is something any culture can relate to—the joy of seeing your heritage respected.

Our new police department houses public safety and also has a widely-used community room. We have good staff led by a responsive city manager. I’ll always fight for competitive pay for them, especially first-responders. We’re better now. I’ve delivered more than promised and will continue to do so.



Name: AJ Congleton 

Address: 219 Red Oak Drive 

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelor Business Administration 

Occupation: Welder

Personal Statement: I am running to help push for more programs for kids athletic programs, to help promote new jobs and growth within the town of Washington. I was born and raised here in Washington and would like to see teamwork in our community and our children’s future in Washington. I want to fight to keep taxes and fees low, while spending our tax revenue on the people of Washington. Making improvements for my community to enjoy and be proud of.


Name: Andrew (Tex) Melton 

Address: 1403 Nicholson Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: College 

Occupation: Technician 

Personal Statement: 

I am really proud of how Washington has grown and became a very desirable place to visit yet Washington has a lot more to offer than just the waterfront and downtown areas. Citizens outside of the downtown area still need representation and to have a voice in how their tax money is utilized. The younger population in the city has limited options on how to spend their free time, we need more activities / places for them to enjoy. Traffic and parking around Washington needs to be addressed. Storm water fees need to be spent on improvements for storm water drainage. I’m against any new taxes. I believe the City needs to utilize our tax dollars more efficiently and to spend our tax dollars with greater transparency. With your vote we together can watch Washington and the areas outside of downtown continue to grow and prosper. Thank You in advance for your VOTE!

Name: Anthony Tyre 

Address: 151 W Main Street, 202

Level of Education and/or Training: Master of Arts 

Occupation: Director/Clinical Mental Health Counselor 

Personal Statement: I am a dedicated advocate committed to propelling our community toward a future defined by unity, progress, and inclusivity. My vision isn’t vague; it’s a concrete plan to shape a Washington where every resident is valued, heard, and offered equal opportunities. What sets me apart is not just my vision but my proven track record. I’ve experienced the power of grassroots support, understanding that the heart of our community beats in the collective actions of its people. My approach isn’t merely about gaining votes but building genuine connections and comprehending the diverse needs of our citizens. I’ve worked diligently to foster understanding, celebrate our differences, and find common ground within our rich diversity. This understanding is the foundation upon which I intend to construct a community where everyone feels a sense of belonging. Public service isn’t merely a career for me; it’s a lifelong commitment. I’ve dedicated myself to serving this community, learning from its challenges, and innovating sustainable solutions. My experience equips me with the expertise needed to address our complex civic issues, and my focus remains on transparent, accountable governance. When you endorse my candidacy, you’re backing a vision fortified by real achievements, fueled by innovative ideas, and propelled by an unwavering resolve to elevate Washington to its fullest potential. Together, we can transform obstacles into opportunities. Together, we can create a tomorrow where everyone’s dreams can flourish.

Name: Antwan Horton 

Address: 401 West 16th Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelor’s Degree  

Occupation: Men of Success Coach at Beaufort County Community College 

Personal Statement: 

Hello, I am Rev. Antwan Horton, a native of Washington and a candidate for the City Council. Throughout my life, I have been devoted to serving my community in any way possible. Washington has been my home since birth, the place where I raise my family, and where I hope to help others enjoy the many benefits this city has to offer. People say, “not much changes about our easy-going lifestyle, which is a good thing”. However, being a young man, I see improvements to be made. I’m concerned about the significant decrease in the young adult population that has been happening from 2010 to 2020. As a young man myself, I want to see a change in this trend. My commitment is to be the voice for the younger generation, and bridging the gap from one generation to the next. Making Washington suitable for all, such as job and housing opportunities and improving current drainage systems. I’m confident that together, we can create a Washington that we all want to stay in, return to, and raise our families. I solicit your votes on November 7th. For more information follow our Facebook page “Antwan Horton for City Council.”

Name: Ellen Brabo

Address: 1040 N Market Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: B.A. in Political Science 

Occupation: Owner, The Ell Hotel 

Personal Statement: 

My journey in Washington began in September 2021 when I moved here with the vision of opening my business, The Ell Hotel. Since then, I have immersed myself in the heartbeat of our community, learning, growing, and actively contributing to our shared vision for a prosperous future. Having completed the Leadership Beaufort program and served as the chair of the Beaufort County Young Professionals for two years, I have witnessed the immense talent and energy our young professionals bring. However, I’ve also observed a crucial gap – the absence of young professionals in key leadership roles. I firmly believe that for Washington to thrive, we need dynamic, forward-thinking leaders who understand the aspirations of our youth and harness their innovative spirit. As a U.S. Army Veteran and current member of the Board of Directors for the Chamber of Commerce, I have a deep sense of duty and commitment to our town. My vision for Washington revolves around strategic growth, with a specific focus on retaining our young professionals. By fostering an environment that encourages innovation and supports local businesses, I aim to nurture a flourishing economy where opportunities abound for everyone. With a wealth of experience in strategic communications, I bring a unique skill set to the table. My expertise lies in distilling complex information into clear, digestible messages. I am passionate about using this skill to bridge the gap between our city council and the community it serves. Informed citizens are empowered citizens, and I am committed to ensuring that every member of our community has not only access to information but also the ability to comprehend the decisions shaping our town’s future. I’m passionate about sustainable development, envisioning Washington as a leader in eco-friendly initiatives. Through green investments, clean energy projects, and eco-friendly policies, we’ll preserve our city’s natural beauty for future generations. I am not just a candidate; I am your advocate, ready to champion the cause of informed, engaged citizenship. Together, let’s build a Washington where transparency, accessibility, and communication are not just ideals but lived realities.

Name: Gary Ceres 

Address: 106 Beechtree St, Washington 

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelors with two classes from MPA, Certification in Economic Development 

Occupation: Barista, Business Owner

Personal Statement: Washington’s Good-Ole-Boy network has operated unchallenged for as long as anyone can remember. This campaign is about finally starting to expose that system, put it in a coffin and start hammering the nails so that it never sees the light of day again. The age of nepotism and the buddy-buddy system in Washington can start to end with my election to the City Council. All citizens of the city deserve representation, not just the connected. All citizens deserve clean environments and trash property violators should be fined and penalized. Taxpayers should be put first, not the bureaucracy. I want to repeal Storm-Water fees to lower utility bills, eliminate unnecessary and repetitive positions in the city through attrition, stop any future property tax increases and bring complete transparency to city government with full public input on all issues. I want to add additional Code Enforcement Agents, an Animal Control Officer and 4 more EMTs.

Name: Leesa Payton Jones 

Address: 1411 Nicholson Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: Associates Degree Early Childhood Education, Certified Teaching Degree, 32 years teaching career. I attended the City University of New York for four years and Philadelphia Community College for two years. I earned a CDA from the state of New Jersey, and an Associate degree from Philadelphia Community College. I was a Certified Crisis Volunteer Counselor at the Marble Collegiate Church in New York City. I worked for the National Black Alliance of Social Workers in Philadelphia as a research assistant.

Occupation: Retired Teacher of 32 years 

Personal Statement: I am running for City Council because I want to represent Washington’s residents by becoming their voice to City Council, and helping residents to feel confident their voices will be heard on the issues affecting them. Issues such as their finances, their neighborhoods, their children’s education, affordable housing, homelessness, the high cost of living and high taxes, high utility bills, and diversity and inclusion. I want to help enable Washington’s residents to thrive and prosper in a city where all are welcome. I believe I can be a balanced councilperson who will be representative of all residents, and bring a balanced and fair and equitable view to council. I am not afraid to ask the ‘tough’ questions and seek to provide answers as to how tax money is spent and why. I will not lean towards any special interest groups or pet projects that benefit some or entertain ideas that do not involve open and honest conversations between council and community. My experiences while serving on countless boards and organizations will help me serve on City Council with dignity, compassion, fairness and integrity. As a councilperson I want to work on providing public input and open meetings in different locations through the city, making meetings accessible to all. I want to focus on economic prosperity that provide jobs with livable wages for all, with an emphasis on retaining the college and young career age bracket here in Washington. I want to focus on helping community investment in neighborhoods to become safe, clean and viable by cleaning up trashed communities and dilapidated houses in underserved communities. I want to help address the issues of homelessness and mental health issues for all who need the services to help them lead and live productive lives. I want to make sure our First Responders are supported in every way they need support. I want to help preserve ALL of Washington’s history and cultures through different events and platforms as that supports community pride and increases tourism which brings money into Washington. I have a heart for Washington, I love this town and its people. 

Name: Lou Hodges 

Address: 156 East Water Street Suite 200 

Level of Education and/or Training: 12 years of high school 

Occupation: Office Administrator 

Personal Statement: I am a lifelong resident of Washington. Open minded and willing to listen to the needs of the citizens of Washington. Committed to the continued progress for all. Believer in fiscal and transparency. 

Name: Mary Beedle 

Address: 532 E 2nd Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: Masters Degree Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner, BS in Health Ed. 

Occupation: Semi Retired 

Personal Statement: My name is Mary Beedle. I live in Washington, NC on 2nd Street. I own a historic home that looked like Jurassic Park when I started. Some folks wanted change. Others did not want change. Lots of people came from other places and had ideas about their dream town. It all had potential. What I do know is that change is inevitable. Changes in our bodies, weather, water, electricity resources, and food sources all in future flux. As a community, we have the opportunity to identify our options. Born in Chicago in a family of 10 children. Growing up in a large neighborhood had its perks. Learning how to negotiate was key, while making and executing plans with lots of kids to fan creativity. Worked with Cherokee & Indian Health Services, Volunteers in Medicine, Federally Qualified Health Clinic, and Veterans Administration Clinics. Helped organize, negotiate, and develop protocol for some clinics. I believe I have the skills to listen, research, and make good decisions for the future progress of the town. People have told me they would like term limits, town hall meetings, more accessibility, places for younger folks to go providing inexpensive places to meet friends and share creative activities, housing is always mentioned. And someone wants a fountain! Began learning Spanish in Guatemala as a missionary for 6 months at 20. Experienced sailing, Hawaii to Canada, Bahamas, Puget Sound, small lakes. Sailing especially with strangers is the perfect preparation for working on a City Council. Change is upon us and it is how we, as a community, plan our adaptation to it. I feel that I have skills that may be beneficial to the town as a Council Member. I would ask for your vote and trust that I have no power seeking agenda, but simply to see what the needs are: The wants are: and the wisdom to know the difference. I have a list. 

Name: Richard Brooks 

Address: 820 Boston Avenue 

Level of Education and/or Training: High School Graduate, Over 20 years on the Board of Adjustment and City Council member.  I served as a volunteer Fireman for over 30 years.  I was the Personnel Core Team Leader at DuPont in Kinston NC for 25 years.

Occupation: Retired and Business Owner

Personal Statement: I am running for city councilman because I want to make a positive difference in my community and to give a voice to underrepresented groups in our community.

Platform: Helped City employees to obtain a 5% raise. Liaison for Parks and Recreation Center Department. I oversaw the resurfacing new basketball park area and installation of new state of the art basketball equipment.

Name: William H. Pitt 

Address: 318 The Courtyards 

Level of Education and/or Training: I attended classes at both ECU and Beaufort Community College. I obtained an Ambassador Certificate from the NC School of Government. 

Occupation: Retired 

Personal Statement: I have been a member of the Washington City Council since 2009. During my tenure as a council member, I have chaired and been a member of numerous boards and committees including the position of vice-President and then President of the North Carolina League of Municipalities, 2019-2020. This organization serves 540 cities and towns across the state of NC. I am one of only three Washington City Council members to ever hold this position. I feel extremely honored. Some other organizations I have been a part of include the Joint Land Use Study Group at Seymour Johnson, the Beaufort County/Washington Human Relations Council, the NC Municipal Power Agency # 1, the Highway 17 North Association, the Mideast Commission, the Washington Planning Board and multiple North Carolina League of Municipalities committees. There are two projects I am proud to have introduced and worked to see come into fruition. They include downtown/waterfront WiFi and the 3rd Street Mini Park. All of the above experiences and positions have enabled me to learn and become well versed in the rules, laws and workings of municipal government. Being an active volunteer firefighter/EMT with Washington Fire/Rescue for 37 has given me experience in how to work as a team member and how to work successfully with the public. Although I am proud of my many accomplishments, my greatest is being married to my wife Joyce. She is my help mate, my partner and the very best part of my life. If I am re-elected, my goal will remain the same as always and that is to continue to be better than before and serve the best small town in Eastern North Carolina.





Name: Thomas B. ‘Tom’ Richter 

Address: College Avenue

Level of Education and/or Training: Masters in Urban and Regional Planning: New York University, post-graduate course work at the U.N.C.- Institute of

Government. NC Dept of Personnel: Certified Public Manager ‘degree’.

Occupation: Retired Town and County Planner, NC Dept of Commerce;

Division of Community Assistance Northeast Field Office in Washington NC.

Personal Statement: 

I have been fortunate to live in Washington Park since 1972 and to serve as the Mayor of Washington Park for a number of terms. I am also fortunate to be living with a population of some 400 residents, most of whom have similar community goals and share expectations of Governance. When I am asked what residents want in our Town – in a few words – I usually reply that most people say that they “want the Park to stay the same.” That’s impossible of course. The Park has changed; however, the Town’s basic character has remained consistent over time. With the assistance of capable and dedicated Town Boards, Town Clerks, Town Staff, and supportive residents, we have maintained the small-town character of Washington Park for almost a hundred years. I am proud to have been a part of the team guiding the Town’s Evolution. If reelected, I will look forward to working on the municipal work currently underway – street renovation, drainage system improvements, town owned recreation property improvements, waterfront erosion improvements, and interacting with County, NC State Agencies, and Federal agencies for the benefit of Washington Park. There is always work to do!



Name: Belinda Cowell 

Address: 309 Isabelle Avenue 

Level of Education and/or Training: College grad 

Occupation: Retired social worker 

Personal Statement: Washington Park is a wonderful community. While serving on the Town Board for the past 8 years, I have had the opportunity to learn about the function of a small local government as it relates to the community and its residents. My goal as a member of the Board is to continue to provide a beautiful waterfront, recreation areas, safe streets, and a sound financial base for the Town and its residents.

Name: Jeff Peacock

Address: 312 Riverside Drive 

Level of Education and/or Training: B.S. Electrical Engineering  

Occupation: Retired 

Personal Statement: I have been a Washington Park Commissioner for the past 28 years, and have served as Mayor Pro Tem for many of those years. I was chairman of the planning board before becoming a Commissioner. My goals have remained the same: 1) Maintain the quality of living we have in the Park, 2) Protect our beautiful, unique waterfront, 3) Help our friends and neighbors in times of need, 4) Keep the tax rate as low as possible while providing the level of services our residents appreciate. 

Name: Katie Creech 

Address: 301 College Avenue 

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelor’s Degree 

Occupation: Marketing Administrator 

Personal Statement: As a lifelong resident of Washington Park, I want to give back to my community and continue to improve the neighborhood by listening to all residents. 

Name: Lee Bowen 

Address: 500 Isabelle Avenue 

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from NC State University

Occupation: Co-owner of KidKusion Inc. for over 30 years. KidKusion is a leading designer and manufacturer of children’s home safety products. KidKusion holds numerous patents resulting from the development of unique products.

Personal Statement: I was chosen to serve on the town board when longtime commissioner Horace Cowell passed away in 2011. To say those were big shoes to fill is an understatement. I completed his term and was elected to continue to serve in 2011. I have been a board member ever since.

 My Dad, Walter “Bo” Bowen and Horace were great friends. Dad served alongside Horace and numerous boards as the town clerk for 37 years. Horace and my Dad had a major impact on the “running” of Washington Park. I share this history with you to impress upon you that my history and knowledge of the Park runs deep. This is important due to the fact that it has been the philosophy of the board over the years to maintain the character of the Park as it has always been. Today the board tries to honor that philosophy while addressing the problems and concerns of today. My knowledge of the past combined with my educational and business background and my ability to communicate effectively with individuals of all levels of education and backgrounds, gives me a great skill set to help address the issues of today and provide positive solutions. I am currently the commissioner responsible for streets and drainage. It is a challenge to provide proper drainage in our low-lying areas. I would like to continue to use my engineering experience along with the knowledge and support of the other board members and residents, to provide the best drainage that we can within our budget.

Name: Vail Stewart Rumley 

Address: 505 Fairview Avenue

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelor’s degree in English/Journalism, East Carolina University, 1994

Occupation: Communications director for Sound Rivers, the environmental organization protecting the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico rivers

Personal Statement: I believe I can be an asset to Washington Park and the people who live here. A career dedicated to communications has provided the skills to share timely, factual information across a variety of media platforms and engage the people who stand to be impacted by decisions made at the local level. While working as a reporter, then news editor, of The Washington Daily News (2011-2020), I covered city and county government, infrastructure, emergency management, crime, hurricanes, flooding and more, which gave me a broad, and sometimes detailed, understanding of how local government works, as well as many of the issues that have affected, and continue to affect, Washington Park today. I am fortunate, also, to have come from a long line of folks who have served the public — and that gene has not skipped this generation. Participation in the process to ensure a community functions well, and is informed, is part of my heritage. Like all residents of Washington Park, as well as the current board of commissioners, I realize we live in a special place — one that deserves committed and inspired elected officials who work in the best interests of all those who call Washington Park home.

Name: R. Wade Dale III

Address: 300 College Ave 

Level of Education and/or Training: College graduate 

Occupation: Former business owner-retired 

Personal Statement: I became a commissioner to fill an open position that nobody else showed any interest in a number of years ago. I have no political agenda and serve at the will of the good folks of Washington Park. I am proud of my fellow commissioners and feel we have the best interest of the community at heart when we make our decisions.





Name: Jeff Haddock

Address: 115 Jones Circle 

Level of Education and/or Training: N/A

Occupation: Retired 

Personal Statement: For 30 years I was employed by the Town of Chocowinity as Public Works Director before retiring in 2011. The last 10 years I’ve been the self employed owner and operator of Jeff Haddock Plumbing. Recently, I have developed an interest in serving my home town. And this is my hope and drive. I am excited to hopefully bring some new ideas and perhaps make the government of the town of Chocowinity. more accessible. Let’s pursue cutting spending to see if we can reduce water/sewer and tax rates. Our small town services should be more citizen friendly. For example, revisit the current trash collection ordinance. Let those in office be willing to welcome those citizens with questions, suggestions, or complaints. I am for this and will do my best to work towards making this happen. I would appreciate your vote, Town of Chocowinity Voters. 

Name: Michael “Mike” G. Jones 

Address: 112 Joshua Drive 

Level of Education and/or Training: High School & other courses (EMS & Fire)

Occupation: Retired 

Personal Statement: I have lived in Chocowinity township all of my life, going to school at Chocowinity High School grades 1-12. Moved to the town of Chocowinity in 2015. I am retired from PCS Phosphate in Aurora, NC with 41 years of service. A member of Blounts Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. since 1975, served as Fire Chief for 21 years and presently: President of Board of Directors. Also served as an EMT with Blounts Creek Vol. Rescue the entire time of its service.  I served 6 years in the Army National Guard. I have a desire to see and help Chocowinity grow and prosper.  I like to gather information from citizens about the concerns of the town. I have been attending Town Hall meetings in 2023 to listen to suggestions and problems.

Name: Casey Langley 

Address: 116 Edgewood Drive 

Level of Education and/or Training: College Degree 

Occupation: Coordinator HRD & WFI Beaufort County Community College 

Personal Statement: This will be my third election for commissioner. I look forward to continue serving the citizens of Chocowinity. I love public service

Name: Nathaniel Williams 

Address: 47 Jasmine Drive 

Level of Education and/or Training: High School graduate 

Occupation: Pastor and self-employed 

Personal Statement: I want to make the town better and improve communication between the town and the people in town. I want to provide more affordable housing and reduce litter. 




Alderman East 

Name: Stacey Conner 

Address: 586 E Pantego St 

Level of Education and/or Training: BS working on MPA

Occupation: Administrative Specialist at Belhaven PD

Personal Statement: I am running for Alderman because I’ve listened to frustrated citizens wanting to know who they can go to when the council listens, but doesn’t HEAR their concerns. I’ve been in that place, where concerns fall on closed ears and minds. I want to change that. The citizens of Belhaven deserve to be truly heard not just listened to and sent off with a smile and a nod. Citizens deserve to have their concerns addressed and they deserve to get updates on the outcomes. Leaders can’t ask citizens to be more active in their community and then ignore them when try. As a leader you have to put your interests aside and do what is most beneficial for the many not just the few. The role of Alderman should be about serving the citizens, not serving yourself. “The first step to leadership is servanthood” John Maxwell

Name: Nathan VanNortwick 

Address: 339 Lamont St 

Level of Education and/or Training: 2009 Northside High School graduate 

Occupation: Paramedic with Beaufort County EMS

Personal Statement: I am running for office to continue to do my part to make this town a much better place. I have seen great growth in this town in the last 4 years and I feel like I can continue to contribute to the growth by being re-elected to the town council. I have 2 small children and I will do everything I can to make this town a safe place for them to grow up in.

Name: Veronica Palmer Ward 

Address: 681 Croatan St 

Level of Education and/or Training: John A. Wilkinson High School; Nursing Assistant II certification, Beaufort County Community College; Medical Office Assistant certification, Harrison College; Substitute Teacher training, Beaufort County Community College. 

Occupation: Totsland Preschool & Nursery board member, four years; Boys & Girls Club board member, two years); Celebrations Committee member, six years; Small Main Street Committee member, four years; Department of Social Services Aging Steering Committee, four years, two years, as chairman; Northside High School Booster board, eight years; currently Vice President Team Coalition Committee Member (Christian based organization comprised of various churches in the community), six years; currently case secretary, White Plains Church Ministries Ad-ministrative Committee, three years. 

Personal Statement: Civic engagement involves “working to make a difference in the civic life of one’s community” by promoting the quality of life in the community through both political and non-political processes. Civic engagement can take many forms, from individual volunteerism, community engage-ment efforts, organization involvement and government work — all of which I have done for several years to better understand the collective needs of our community. It is with a great sense of personal responsibility and obligation that I actively engage in cultivating relationships and developing a community environment that promotes unity, collaboration and growth for all citizens. If elected, I will work to educate and keep constituents in-formed about issues, policies and resolutions that impact their side of town and the city as a whole. I will listen to their concerns and be a positive and persistent voice for fiscally responsible solutions while continuously empower-ing residents to take a more active role in city government (including youth). With an inclusive environment, we will bridge the gap between the council and mayor’s office, citizens, churches and faith-based organizations to realize the potential for future growth, development and quality of life improvements. 


Alderman West 

Name: Shanika E. Ebron 

Address: 452 West Pungo St. 

Level of Education and/or Training: A.A.S. Business Administration 

Occupation: PTF Clerk at the United States Postal Service 

Personal Statement: My name is Shanika Ebron. I am running for Westend Alderman in Belhaven, N.C. because I have lived in Belhaven for the majority of my life. I have seen Belhaven at different levels, and like most people, I formed an opinion about what I thought should be done but never took the initiative to make a difference. My question to myself is, what can I do to make a difference in the town of Belhaven? I obtained an A.A.S Business Administration, which gave me insight on ways that we can make Belhaven a better place. My goal, daily passion, and commitment is to help others in my community. I am dedicated to making a difference and meeting the needs of the community so that Belhaven is one of the best places to live and visit. 


Shanika Ebron was appointed to her position by the outgoing party of the previous Alderman West. She fulfilled the remainder of the previous Alderman’s term. She is running for re-election unopposed. 





Name: James G. (Jimmy) Latham

Address: 418 Craven St.

Level of Education and/or Training: High School and some community college 

Occupation: Insurance sales 

Personal Statement: In the years I’ve been involved with Town politics, at every Town Council meeting I’ve attended our failing wastewater system has been a topic of discussion. With the help of State and Federal officials, we’ve finally achieved a solution along with adequate funding for the project which is still 2-3 years away from completion.

With this project progressing we can focus on some other projects that need attention such as speeding, more street improvements, drainage and water system updates.

At the recent Land Use Plan open house, there was overwhelming support for the proposed plan put forth by the Planning Board for consideration and adoption.

It would be my desire, if reelected, to continue working in and for the Town of Bath.


*Latham is the current mayor of Bath and is running for re-election unopposed. 



There are two Town Commissioners seats in Bath. Current commissioners John A Taylor and William Keith Tankard are running unopposed for re-election. 





Name: Stuart Edwin Ricks 

Address: 65 Maple Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: 1997 BCCC Grad Associates, Applied Science-Electronics Engineering, and other certifications

Occupation: Owner/President at Coastal Clearing & Grading, Land Developing

Owner/Operator at Sandy Knoll Farms, 5th generation farmer.

Personal Statement: Having lived here my entire life and raised my family here, I feel a sense of duty to see that the future is preserved for future generations that may choose to call Pantego home. It is here that my wife and I operate our land developing business and run our farming operations. I have been a diligent servant to the town and have served on the town council for nearly 18 years, serving as Mayor for the past 10 of those years.My platform this term is to address the growing concerns over dilapidated properties, working with the town’s people to enact the town’s ordinances and improve the appearance of town and encourage new growth.


*Ricks is the current mayor of Pantego and is running unopposed. 



There are five Town Commissioner seats in Pantego. All five incumbent town commissioners are running unopposed for re-election. The commissioners are Mart Benson, Reid Gelderman, Chad Keech, Matthew VanNortwick and Chuck Williams. 



Name: Steve McCormack 

Address: 225 N 6th Street 

Level of Education and/or Training: Bachelor of Science 

Occupation: Retired from Aerospace Industry, Boeing & L-3 Corp

Personal Statement: Aurora has taken positive steps to revitalize itself. Funding has been acquired and work is underway on development of an Industrial Park. There are other initiatives in work and planned as well. I have the background and desire to help in these endeavors to grow our community. I want to see Aurora become a thriving and prosperous community once more. The Aurora Leadership Council has done an outstanding job of identifying and planning for our future. However, there is much to be done. I hope to bring fresh, new ideas and energy to bring all this to bring all this home.


*Incumbent commissioners Coley W. Jordan and Tina Taylor are running for re-election. Jordan refused to participate. Multiple attempts to contact Taylor were unreturned.