Murphy applauds final passage of FY24 National Defense Authorization Act

Published 12:12 pm Thursday, December 14, 2023

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From US Rep. Greg Murphy:

Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Greg Murphy, M.D. (NC-03) voted YES on H.R. 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024, which now heads to the President to be signed into law.


This legislation authorizes $886.3 billion for national defense discretionary programs, an increase of $23 billion over FY23 funding levels. It robustly funds and modernizes our armed forces to prepare us against threats abroad, improves the quality of life for servicemembers, and combats the Biden Administration’s woke agenda that has devastated our recruitment numbers.


“I’m proud to have voted in favor of the FY24 NDAA, a very strong bill that was crafted under regular order for the first time in two years under the consideration of all Members,” said Congressman Greg Murphy, M.D. “While there were some provisions included that I am adamantly against, such as funding for abortions and transgender treatment, perfect cannot be the enemy of good.”


“Global instability under President Biden has made the world a much more dangerous place and we must fund our warfighters to the fullest. This legislation does just want that and provides an across-the-board 5.2% pay raise for all troops, makes much-needed reforms to assist military spouses, and saves taxpayers $40 billion by cutting inefficient programs, obsolete weapon systems, and Pentagon bureaucracy.”


Third District Victories | By the Numbers:

  • $51.3 MILLION for 2nd Radio BN Complex, Phase 2
  • $66.27 MILLION for the 10th Marines Maintenance and Operations Complex, Camp Lejeune.
  • $32.89 MILLION for Amphibious Combat Vehicle Shelters, Camp Lejeune.
  • $45 MILLION for a Corrosion Repair Facility Replacement, Camp Lejeune.
  • $70 MILLION for a Marine Raider Battalion Operations Facility, Camp Lejeune.
  • $19.529 MILLION for an Aircraft Maintenance Hanger, Cherry Point.
  • $45 MILLION for a 2D LAAD Maintenance and Operations Facility, Cherry Point.
  • $35.15 MILLION for a Maintenance Facility & Marine Air Group HQS, Cherry Point.

Total for NC-03 Military Construction Initiatives in FY2024: $365.139 MILLION



  • Combats Wokeness in the Military
  • Provides for our Servicemembers and Military Families
  • Rectifies Wrongful COVID-19 Discharge of 8,000+ Servicemembers
  • Supports Law Enforcement Operations at Southern Border
  • Unprecedented Levels of Support for Israel
  • Strengthens Military Readiness and Defense Industrial Base
  • Counters Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Aggression
  • Increases Oversight and Accountability
  • Improves Innovation of New Warfighting Technologies
  • Counters Threats from State Sponsors of Terror and Foreign Terrorist Orgs.
  • Fortifies Nuclear Posture and Missile Defense Systems