Happy belated Mother’s Day

Published 5:07 pm Monday, May 13, 2024

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Mother’s Day across the United States is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year. It was founded in West Virginia by Anna Jarvis in 1908 to celebrate mothers and motherhood.

Boys are glad they celebrate Mother’s each year because they protect us from our dads. Now, my dad was never mean to me but he favored my little sister more than he favored me. That is the case many times when a family has a boy and girl. the dad thinks more of his daughter and mom thinks more of her son, at least that was the way it was in my family. Rose Ann was my dad’s favorite. She looks exactly like him.

Moms are a son’s best friend. They cheer for him, take him to the doctor, taxi him, wash his clothes and feed him. What more can a mom do? My mom has passed away so I have many moms that take of me and I would like to thank them now. Nancy Hill who has taken of care of me. I don’t see Nancy like I should and she lives next door to me. I check in on her every once in a while. She has two daughters, Inda and Susan. The late Jimmy Hill was her husband and she was a favorite friend to my mom.

Dora Swanner was my next mom that I was close to. She has two sons, Wayne and the late JC, Rose Ann and I called him CC. They lived on Tarheel Drive and that is where I kept my John boat. Dora was married to J. C. Singleton at that time. I see Wayne all the time and do not ever fail to ask him how mom is doing.

I have had plenty of mothers that passed away. Like any small town, “it takes a village to raise a child” and Washington was like that growing up. So many mothers; Virginia, Ms. Betsy, Nora May, Ms. Mildred, Ms. Doris and Ms. Erin and Ms. Rodman and all the female teachers I had.
They were mothers to me.

My mother was a saint to me. She wasn’t afraid to spank me if I was wrong and kept it from my dad. I am sure she told him but not in front of me. She was a worker and she and dad provided me with things they didn’t have and expected Rose Ann and I to take advantage of it. So, if you are lucky enough to have a mother, kiss her on the cheek for me. Remember, she is your mom and this is her special day!

Happy belated Mother’s Day to your moms and to yourself.

They were the best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places, Washington, N. C.! The Original Washington!

Harold Jr.