Please keep your trash out of the river

Published 4:44 pm Monday, June 10, 2024

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The Pamlico River has offered us a lot to be thankful for. Many of us have used its waters for swimming, sailing, water skiing and hunting. Some have found other ways to get to the water.

Joe Ange and others found, from the old Eureka lumber company, a way to swing and drop from heights unknown to others. They were the only ones! Alton Griffin and a few of his friends tied a rope to a tire and got wet in Tranters Creek.

Still living on the river, Tracey and I must pick up trash on our shore from unfriendly boaters. Boaters apparently don’t know the headache they cause for a person living on the water’s edge when they dump their trash into it. It’s not good for the environment and fish can’t eat the garbage they throw into the river.

As the summer grows and the heat catches up with us, don’t let the garbage pile up in your boat and don’t throw it into the river!

We have a beautiful river, and we’d like to keep it that way! As the summer progresses everyone wants to boat and swim at their favorite swimming hole so, please don’t ruin it for others!

They were the best of times with the best of friends and in the best of places Washington NC! The Original Washington!