Basic instructions before leaving earth

Published 4:52 pm Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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By Stewart Ham

The Bible has, holds, and gives many instructions concerning Christian living. It deals with every entity of life personal or collectively, natural or spiritual. It builds and demolishes; it critiques and manages. I’ve heard this many times from various leaders and officials in the church.

God initializes this plan on every individual’s behalf to make the task easier to accomplish and afford an individual a close walk with God and ultimately, a place in Heaven when you die.

As a pastor, I seek God for many messages to both feed and perfect my flock at New Growth. Biblical instruction is a very broad subject, there’s so much information that can be retrieved, however this information needs to connect with the shortcomings and brokenness of the flock. When we as spiritual leaders pray to God for a word to minister to the flock it generally happens.

Looking deeper into Basic Instruction before leaving earth, there are two sectors of instruction, Rhema and Logos. Rhema is defined as a word of personal application; Logos is the general word of God. These are two Greek words that describe scriptures which are translated in the New Testament.

To look at how the rhema word and logos word relates to us, Rhema is that verse that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with specific instruction to a current situation or need.

The Logos version is miles and miles and miles of knowledge, understandings, and revelations of God and His word. This is why true Christians are not spiritually and educationally ignorant. God has always made His instructions for a good life available to all. Even Matthew 26:41v. tells us, God with His instruction is always standing on the word Go, however it’s us as individuals that’s not ready to hear, accept, and apply such instruction.

The instructions the Bible contains are clear and precise, thus making it easy to understand and follow.
When we observe various lifestyles throughout this society, it’s very clear that they are not following the many instructions that God as made available.

Proverbs 20:1v. explains the danger of strong drinks. However, there are (DUI’s), and (Death by motor vehicle) citations that’s still being issued today. Hebrews 10:25v. tells us, to not make excuses for not attending Sunday morning church service and weekly Bible Study. However, the church pews are still empty.
Ephesians 5:22v., 25v., explains that we should love and submit ourselves to our spouses, however there are still cheating, separations, and divorces.

Leviticus 18:22v., Romans 1:18v.-32v., I Corinthians 6:9v.-10v. explains to us that man should not be dating or given into marriage with another man, and a woman should not be dating or given in marriage to another woman. However today there are still same sex marriages.

Genesis 5:2v. tells us that God made man and woman, male and female. However today males are saying they are females, and the females are saying they are males, {as if God has made a mistake}.

We all know one day we will leave this earth; at a time, we know not of. Being ready is the key, there’s no reason why one should leave unready or unprepared.

The instructional scripture that’s made available is found in Romans 10:9v. This scripture is the entry level to one’s spiritual destiny both here on earth and in Heaven.

Let’s take Solomon at his word that’s mentioned in Proverbs 4:7v. As we read these instructions let us get as much understanding as possible, after which we can then apply it to our everyday life. This is what prepares us before our time of departure from this world.

The Bible is the most powerful anointed book that’s ever been written, there’s more manuscripts that supports it than any other book written. It’s basically one of God’s main ways of communicating to us, therefore let us Hear, Except, and Apply in what at times seems to be a fleeting moment in life.

Stewart Ham is the pastor of New Growth Ministries, Inc. in Aurora.