Washington Pickleball holds fundraiser to fight dementia

Published 8:30 pm Friday, June 21, 2024

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On Saturday, Washington held a pickleball event to fight dementia as a charity event for people to come out, enjoy a game of pickleball and donate to a worthy cause.

The event took place at the Athletic Edge Sports Complex consisting of a variety of skill levels including true beginners to experts. 43 players showed up to show off their skills from all around Beaufort County and as far away as New Bern.

Along with pickleball, people had the opportunity to participate in silent auctions and raffles. With the help of their committee and sponsors, the event raised over $5,700 for the Dementia Alliance of North Carolina.

“Pickleball is growing fast in popularity around the nation, it is a game that is not only fun and a great way to stay fit, but also very social as was evident in the turnout we had for the event,” event spokesperson Pam Rice said. “We hope to be able to continue this fundraiser to help benefit those who suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s, and many other aging brain diseases.”