Write Again… A proverbial silver lining

Published 2:31 pm Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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“Up in the morning’, out on the job, work like the devil for my pay. While that lucky old sun, has nothin’ to do, but roll around heaven all day.”

Remember that? Maybe a few of you do. Maybe.

“Fuss with my woman, toil for my kids. Sweat ‘til I’m wrinkled and gray. While that lucky old sun’s got nothin’ to do but roll around heaven all day.”

Whoo. Poetry of the soul.

“Good Lord above, can’t you see I’m pinin’, tears all in my eyes. Send down that cloud with the silver linin’, lift me to paradise.”

Hear our cry, Lord.

“Show me that river, take me across. Wash all my troubles away. And like that lucky old sun, give me nothin to do, but roll around heaven all day.”

Oh, yes. Let it be so, Lord.

Just a song, one that probably hasn’t been heard by any of us in decades.

Poetry put to music. A plea. Yet hope in the end.

There is a lot to be garnered from so many songs. Country music is full of emotion- touching lyrics. Such is not limited to that genre of music, though.

Speaking of country music. Johnny Cash’s songs, some of them, at least, have philosophical lyrics. Nearing the end of his career and a life rife with turmoil, much pain, a real concern of his family and friends, he came to the Lord, as the expression goes.

And did he ever. He was so grateful for his spiritual awakening that he devoted much of his last performing years as a musical testimony to his Christian faith. Even to the extent that he did a full “performance “in the Holy Land, which was filmed to be shown to the public. His advisors cautioned against the project, strenuously.

It proved to be an economic disaster, and almost bankrupted him.

So. My point to today’s column endeavor? Maybe that’s really not for me to say. What do I know?

Time to go. May the days ahead be good ones for all of us.

We know what that lucky old sun will be doing, don’t we?

APROPOS – “As we draw near to the end of our journey, we need something to hold onto, to believe in, to hope for, a silver lining.”