Constitutional seminar scheduled for Sept. 18

Published 2:17 pm Sunday, September 5, 2010

Contributing Editor

For those who want to better understand the U.S. Constitution, they may want to attend a free seminar the document Sept. 18.
The Beaufort County Committee for Constitutional Studies and Post 6088 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are offering such a study to the public. The event, scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., will be conducted at Harvest Church, 2020 W. 15th St., Washington. In recent years, the committee has sponsored and organized events to celebrate Constitution Week, Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.
The event begins with a short celebration that includes prayer, music and a tribute to the nation’s Founding Fathers. A study of early America and the Constitution follows.
Sept. 17 will be the 223 anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.
After several years of using “The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution” DVD series to educate area residents about the Constitution, the committee chose to use a different approach this year, said Noel P. Cayton, a committee member, in an interview Friday.
“There just seems to be a lot of interest in it, more so than in years past,” Cayton said. “We decided to do one live and bring a teacher in. … So far, there has been quite a bit of interest.”
As of Friday, about 60 people had expressed interest in attending the study, Cayton said.
George Schryer, commander of VFW Post 6088, said a study of the Constitution is something school-age children and many adults should undertake.
“Our whole way of life is based on the Constitution,” Schryer said in an interview Thursday. “The problem I see is we don’t really teach it in the schools anymore.”
The major goal of the study is to educate the public about the Constitution, he said.
“I think it’s really important for school-age children particularly and for adults who have forgotten the Constitution’s basic principles,” Schryer said.
Dana Dyer, a Maine resident, will present “an inspiring message of the Founding Fathers’ great ideas,” reads a news release issued by the committee. Dyer has led “The Making of America” seminar several times.
Although the seminar is free, anyone attending it may obtain a workbook for a $10 donation. Event organizers recommend those attending the study obtain workbooks.
“This is an opportunity to increase your knowledge of the form of government our Founding Fathers gave us,” reads the release. “With the upcoming elections it is of dire importance to know the Constitution well.”
Candidates from all political parties are invited to attend the nonpartisan event.
For directions to the church or for more information about the study, call 252-975-3442.