Political events slated for 9/11

Published 3:06 pm Friday, September 10, 2010

Staff Writer

Staff Writer
Both of the major political parties in Beaufort County will hold events on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.
Neither event is planned as a 9/11 tribute and, reportedly, neither happening was intended to coincide with the anniversary.
The first event is an organizational affair for the Beaufort County Democratic Party.
The second event is a fundraiser for the Beaufort County Republican Party.
The county Democrats’ executive committee will gather at 10 a.m. Saturday in the District Court hall at the Beaufort County Courthouse in Washington.
The media is welcome to attend, reads an e-mail from Ann Cherry, party secretary.
The scheduled speaker is U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-N.C., of Wilson, who represents a portion of Beaufort County in Congress.
Butterfield is likely to address allegations recently made by his Republican opponent, Ashley Woolard of Washington.
Woolard has accused Butterfield of corruption, and he’s said Butterfield should resign from office, a position members of the local Democratic executive committee have said they oppose.
The party’s sustaining fund also could be on the agenda. A recent intraparty e-mail, released to the Washington Daily News late last month, shows the committee had set a sustaining fund goal of $1,245.80.
The sustaining fund is generated from the precinct level up and sent to the state Democratic Party, which returns the cash to the district level, where it’s distributed to county parties, Cherry said.
The Democrats need more money to keep the doors open at its election-year headquarters on Market Street in Washington, party officials have said.
In late July, the party held a fundraiser to collect money for that goal.
At the time, party Chairwoman Alice Mills Sadler said it was hoped the fundraiser would generate $6,000, but subsequent reports indicated the event fell short of that target.
Money will be vital to the party as it tries to protect its incumbents in local races ranging from contests for sheriff to the Beaufort County commissioners.
Sadler wasn’t immediately available for comment Thursday.
The GOP fundraiser will kick off at 2 p.m. Saturday at Bennett Vineyards in Edward.
Billed as a “pig-pickin’ and wine tasting,” the fundraiser costs $15 a person for Republican and unaffiliated voters, said Larry Britt, party chairman.
Local Republican candidates may attend for free, Britt related.
“It’s a very laid-back type affair,” he said.
Candidates will not be asked to give speeches, but attendees will be allowed to mingle with the office-seekers and hear their ideas face to face, according to Britt.
“Democrats can attend,” he added. “As long as they bring their $15.”
Britt has said his party will spend every dime available in its coffers on getting its candidates elected in November.