Operation Clean Sweep a success

Published 1:00 am Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Joe Taylor and Rebecca Clark (foreground) unload buckets of mulch in Harding Square. Karren Tripp (left in back) and Mary Rudbeck (right in back) get ready to spread the mulch around after it’s poured. (Submitted photo)

The third-annual Operation Clean Sweep was a success Saturday because downtown Washington merchants took time to clean the area and get things ready for spring and summer.

Three years ago, Scott Campbell, an agent with Century 21 The Realty Group, developed the idea of spending a day cleaning up downtown, just before that year’s Music in the Streets season kicked off.

Campbell said cleanup crews started around 9 a.m. and finished around 1:30 p.m.

“It was actually a pretty quick day,” he said.

The City of Washington provided the rakes, trash bags, gloves tools and other equipment.

Century 21 The Realty Group, Washington Area Historic Foundation, Washington Garden Club, Washington Harbor District Alliance and others provided the elbow grease.

Operation Clean Sweep brings out some help as Brenda Evans (left) and Paula Fornell plant several plants. (Submitted photo)

“The folks with the Washington Harbor District Alliance cleaned up Harding Square,” Campbell said. “They also worked their way down Main Street as well. It was a great turnout, and we accomplished a lot.”

According to Campbell, the city dropped off mulch Friday, and the groups spread it around in places that needed mulch.

After the work was completed, the volunteers were provided roasted hot dogs, grilled by Campbell at Century 21 The Realty Group’s patio on Union Alley.

“We had a really good time,” Campbell said. “We had a bunch of people helping out, and we beat the rain, which is always good.”

Campbell said the volunteers want to keep downtown always looking nice for patrons who shop there. He encourages anyone who wants to help next year or anytime to contact him.