SOUND OFF / April 24, 2011

Published 12:12 am Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

Why do we have to have a minority report with Major League Baseball? They say that the percentage of blacks dropped again. So what? Let’s do the same report on whites and Hispanics in the NFL and NBA. I want to see that report soon.

I went to the Cherry Run garbage dump this morning and I couldn’t even reach the top of the recycle bins. I had to go around and was told to throw them in the regular dumpster. I am through recycling until the dumpster is returned to its previous location where it was never a problem to access. Our county is better than this. We need to make something different available.

Good article about Northside in Friday’s paper and the seventh heaven victory. I was a little disappointed that it was also senior night for the girls and nothing about the game or the score was in the paper. I was just a little disappointed. Thank you.

To the white man in the older white pickup truck that went down Sixth Street and hit our gray car: You were seen and we will find you.

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