Write again … ‘Surely the presence’

Published 12:39 am Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Please don’t think that I think that we’re the only group that does this, or that we’re the best at it. I know better.

We’re just one of the many groups from many different churches who visit nursing homes in our area on a regular basis.

My little group of people is from the First United Methodist Church here in town. We’ve been doing this for years, going back to our times with the residents at the Beaufort County Home. We now have our ministry at River Trace, formerly Britthaven.

When we visit, the residents who are able meet with us in the large activities room, where we sing together, usually the traditional, old hymns. On special holidays, we sing from appropriate-to-the-occasion song sheets.

Marsha plays the piano, and Sara the keyboard. I lead the singing. Ann gives the devotional, usually short and seasonal as well. I call her “Sister Ann,” and God’s goodness radiates from within her. She always brings a keepsake as well as individual snacks for each person. Always.

We close each gathering by having “Deacon John” or me offer a benediction, then we all hold hands or simply touch someone as we sing together “Blest Be The Tie That Binds.”

There are always some really sweet and special folks who come to our gatherings. Some really love to sing, and a few will know almost all the words by heart, and some simply move their lips. Some are quite engaged. Some are not.

Through the years we’ve come to regard our nursing-home friends as part of our extended family. Also, through the years we’ve seen a lot of our “family” leave us. This is the natural order of things, but it’s sad, nevertheless.

We even have one couple who met at the nursing home, fell in love and are now “spiritually married.”

Our brief hour with our dear friends is such a blessing to those of us who are a part of this special time.

Sometimes I feel č I think perhaps we all do č that “surely the presence of the Lord is in this place …” moving within and among us.

For such an experience we are grateful.