Club news
Published 11:58 pm Saturday, January 19, 2013
Down East Seniors
The Down East Seniors met at Blackbeard’s on Wednesday, Jan. 9. Vice president John Tunstall opened the meeting at 10 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Ed Sample led the singing of “America,” and Durwood Cratch delivered the invocation. Ray Briley was welcomed back by the membership. Jack Pyburn introduced three prospective new members: Ralph Dramstad, Dick Paul and Bob Schultz.
Bob Byrum introduced his speaker, Laura von Gunten, who spoke about Pamlico PALS, a statewide mentoring activity in the local schools for students between the ages of 7-17. PALS is now in its 28th year in Beaufort County.
Dan Olson conducted the 50/50 drawing, the winner of which was Ed Sample.
Washington Garden Club
The Washington Garden Club met Jan. 11 in the Peterson Building, Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center. Clair Stillwell led the membership in the Collect, and guests were welcomed by President Jane Fields.
Chris Young welcomed and installed new members Karyl Doscher, Norma Harris Latham, Lynn Sanders and Suzanne Anderson. Anne Rafferty presented the treasurer’s report. Edie Miller chaired the annual business meeting and reviewed the yearly projects, the club Constitution and By-Laws.
Maja Weaver introduced the program topic: members’ favorite gardening books, catalogs and plant sources; several offerings were given. Sandra Snapp reported that the fundraiser, Diamonds and Denim, for the Elizabethan Gardens has been reset for February 16. The cost is $65 per person. Nancy Nash congratulated members on the arrangements for the “Bench Show.” Snapp reviewed the horticulture items, and there were many “pass along” plants offered to the membership.
Note: The February meeting will be held at a new venue; members will be informed of the change by email and telephone. The program for the meeting will be by Benjamin Leggett of Leggett Farm Organics, who will speak about organic foods and community sponsored agriculture programs.