Sound Off, Feb. 12, 2013
Published 8:32 pm Monday, February 11, 2013
Excellent column by Diana West concerning Hillary Clinton. It was so nice to hear the truth.
Thank you, Diana West, for your correct analysis of Hillary Clinton.
I was traveling down John Small Avenue, and I think the talk about a new jail out behind the Bobby Andrews Recreation Center (on East Seventh Street) back by the pecan trees would be a nice place for a new jail. It’s a good location.
Poor unemployed person: get a job and stop being a leech on the system. Unemployment benefits are to help you for a short time, not get rich on. Too many now just want a check, but don’t want to work. Remember, if you keep feeding a stray dog, he will keep coming back for more.
Based on the quality of English used in some Sound Off comments, Literacy Volunteers of Beaufort County should offer a course titled “Englilsh as a First Language.”