Tyrrell County Native Featured in BCCC publication
Published 12:17 am Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Tyrrell County native Naomi Fulcher is one of 27 people, places and events featured in the 2013 edition of Life on the Pamlico, an Internet-based publication by students at Beaufort County Community College.
For the project, Fulcher, who has lived in Washington for over 46 years, was interviewed by student Kelly Dwyer. The publication includes photographs of Fulcher as a student at East Carolina University and during her years as a teacher in eastern North Carolina.
Dwyer also writes about Fulcher’s experiences as a child growing up on the family farm in Gum Neck.
“When I was young, the only other place we went other than school and church was going to Columbia on Saturday nights and see a cowboy movie,” Dwyer quotes Fulcher as saying.
Alive with rich cultural history, the annual publication of Life on the Pamlico gives BCCC students the chance to share their work with the community and the world at large via the Internet, according to English Instructor Suzanne Stotesbury, who served as editor of the publication.
“Life on the Pamlico puts on display the cultural history and identity of Eastern North Carolina, particularly in the counties near the Pamlico River,” she said. “I am proud of the work my students and the staff of the publication have put into this edition of the magazine.”
Students in Stotesbury’s Cultural Studies class at BCCC spent the spring semester learning research and interviewing skills. Students contributed a biography and stories of local cultural interest to the magazine by incorporating multiple interviews and article writing methods learned over the course of the semester.
Also included in this year’s edition are biographies of two Washington business owners, a family of Belhaven fisherman and a Greenville musician, among other profiles. Several stories on topics chosen by the students – ranging from tobacco farming to showing goats – are also included.
For the first time, the 2013 edition features video clips of interview subjects edited by the publication’s designer, James E. Casey, who serves as coordinator of the Academic Support Center at BCCC.
These clips feature music locally produced by the acoustic band, Carolina Still.
To view the 2013 edition of Life on the Pamlico, see www.beaufortccc.edu/lotp. Videos are available for view on the publication’s YouTube page at www.youtube.com/lifeonthepamlico