Write Again … A potpourri of ponderings
Published 4:39 pm Monday, October 28, 2013
BLONDE IS IN — It’s interesting that so many so very many — of those attractive young women, and some a bit older, you see on the TV newscasts and programs have blonde hair. Sort of a hirsute fashion trend, for sure. But sometimes their dark roots are showing.
HAIR IS OUT — It seems that just about every law-enforcement officer these days is almost hairless on top. Some have a buzz cut, and many must shave their heads.
I’m not sure what has brought about this look. Maybe it’s part of the law-enforcement culture. Some of these fine public servants look downright menacing. On purpose?
TWO FOOLS? — A friend and former city recreation director visited here recently. As we reminisced together, he told of the time he and a very well-known man were having a disagreement. A heated exchange. A summer recreation employee later told him that when you argue with a fool, you could reach a point when others can’t tell which one isn’t the fool.
UP IN SMOKE — That there are still those who smoke seems difficult to comprehend here in the 21st century. There can’t be a soul alive today who doesn’t know what the horrible consequences of this enslaving addiction can be. And to think it’s self-inflicted. Sad.
TOTALLY UNNECESSARY — These remote devices people can use to lock their automobiles can cause the horn to blow. Remember when a horn blew it was, primarily, to warn or alert folks? It served a purpose. If you happen to be walking past an unoccupied vehicle and suddenly the horn blows, it can be very unnerving. Especially if you wear hearing aids.
NOUN TO VERB — When you purchase certain appliances or other household products, today you may be informed as to when the service people can do an “install.” Install? Whatever happened to “installation?”
Before that happens you may need to have a “consult.” Have mercy.
RALEIGH FIRST — You can now mail a letter from here, to someone here, and the postmark will be Raleigh, or the Research Triangle Park. What logic.
ERSATZ — Although this has long been the case, one might wonder why those thin squares of processed cheese (it barely qualifies as cheese) are used so ubiquitously by some fast-food restaurant chains. It’s tasteless. Gourmet it’s not.
Enough, already. I’ll try to do better next week.