Easy wins for Aurora candidates
Published 8:03 pm Tuesday, November 5, 2013
AURORA — Aurora Mayor Clif Williams almost skipped this election cycle. “I know I waited till the last minute (to apply),” he said. Williams was waiting for someone who had more time to devote to town business to step in and run, perhaps a retiree. As a business owner, Williams said, he is always on the go. “I want somebody who is really driven and can make things happen. But I felt like I still had something to offer,” he said. Hurricane Irene displaced 50 families in Aurora. Williams said the town had to learn to do more with less revenue, and it will continue efforts to rebuild and revitalize its downtown. The Town of Aurora will not see much of a change to its governing body. Joining an unopposed Williams will be three Aurora residents with plenty of experience on the Board of Commissioners. Patricia Bragg and W.C. Boyd will return for another term and former Commissioner Raleigh B. Lee III will return to the board for a full term after being appointed to fill an open seat last term. “I had a little intermission more or less,” Lee said of his short time out of town government. He said he missed the challenge of helping to run a small town and looked forward to working with the mayor and board. “I’ve known most of them my whole life,” he said. “They’re good decision makers. All have the town’s best interest at heart.”