Columbia High School Works to Prepare Students for College

Published 11:07 am Thursday, November 14, 2013

Columbia High School has a new initiative aligned with its High School Improvement Plan aimed to increase students’ ACT scores by 10 percent.

The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing.

“Last year we had 25 students take the ACT, this year it will be 40. The ACT is free and mandatory and accepted by all colleges and universities,” said William Ziegler, History Teacher at Columbia High School.

Ziegler explained that administrators are taking a multifaceted approach to help students.

Much of the focus is on increasing awareness of the test’s importance.

“Some things involved in this are improved teaching methods, after-school tutorials, and one Saturday a month sessions. It is also important to build a culture around the importance of the ACT. How well a students scores could determine what colleges are available to them,” said Ziegler.

After school tutorials are taught by content teachers, so if a student is staying for Science, they will be taught by a science teacher; likewise with Math.

The one Saturday a month sessions allows for further exposure to the ACT test.  It also reduces the pressure to take the test blindly.

“Students do not realize the various scoring aspects of the test and how time factors in. So these sessions are designed to help them in that regard,” said Ziegler.

Some examples of institutions that Columbia High School students have gone to include East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, and College of the Albemarle.

Columbia High School Principal Marcia Manning discussed how well Columbia High School Students have done on the ACT in early October.

“Columbia High School has had very small senior classes the past two years, so the number of students taking the exam has been lower.  This is especially true since we administer the ACT exam to all juniors now, as part of the state accountability program.


Our ACT scores rose last year in every area except for Math.  Scores rose in English, Reading, Science, and overall (Comprehensive) as compared to 2012 scores.    This is a better measure for us, since all students take the ACT exam and only a small number now take the SAT,” Manning explained.

More details regarding the School Improvement Plan at Columbia Early College High School can be found at:
Part of the CHS ACT initiative is after-school tutorial sessions where students are placed in groups (5-15 students).  The small, targeted groups provide the opportunity to give extra attention to individuals in order to build on existing skills and knowledge.  The tutorials are scheduled each Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-4:15PM.

In addition to the after-school ACT tutorials is a monthly ACT Saturday.  This month it is scheduled for November 16.  Students are offered the opportunity to take a practice ACT.  November 16 will resemble a typical ACT test day; students must arrive around 7:45AM, with the test starting promptly at 8AM (it should conclude around 12).