Learning by faith: WEE, a faith-based pre-school

Published 1:44 pm Saturday, February 1, 2014

CONTRIBUTED| JOY STALLINGS LEARNING MUSIC: Children in First Baptist Church’s Weekday Early Education School participated in Christmas program. The school, called WEE, is a faith-based pre-school.

LEARNING MUSIC: Children in First Baptist Church’s Weekday Early Education School participated in Christmas program. The school, called WEE, is a faith-based pre-school.



Washington Daily News

Socialization begins in childhood and for educators at First Baptist Church’s Weekday Early Education School (WEE), giving children a chance to develop socially, academically and spiritually is only part of their mission.

“The WEE School at First Baptist Church provides a nurturing and affordable learning environment for two and four year olds. In our Christ-centered environment, we help children grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically, said Joy Stallings, director of children’s ministry.

Faith-based pre-school curriculums have changed greatly over the last 50 years and WEE School Committee Chairman Reggie Baker said the church has been slow to accept the more recent academic focus.

“Time has gone by and it’s become apparent that children need to be prepared for the academic needs. The main focus now is to make sure kids are prepared academically and not just spiritually.

“We have a set of goals for each grade level and this is done with cooperation with the parents and the kids. The church more or less supports that and they rely on us as the hands. All of us have had school experience and we’re all parents and grandparents at some time or another,” Baker said.

The teachers use the A-BEKA curriculum, a faith-based curriculum designed to use spiritual principles in teaching academic concepts. Children enrolled at the WEE school learn about math, science, spelling and even music.

“We strive to help the younger children with socialization and how to get along. With that, they are in a safe environment and we try to implement safety to make sure parents and kids are comfortable with being there,” said Crystal Setzer, lead teacher at the WEE school.

However, the fun and learning doesn’t end there.

Throughout the year, the children take field trips to Brown Library, area pumpkin and strawberry farms. In addition to these trips, children participate in singing programs at Christmas and graduation, which usually takes place in May.

“They (The parents) love to see what their children have learned and at the end of the year, we have memory verses that kids will say. They appreciate the kids being able to show what they’ve learned,” Setzer said.

More information about the school including registration information may be found online at www.thefirstbaptistchurch.com/weeschoolprogram or by calling 252-946-6934. The school is located at 113 N. Harvey Street.