PTRF hosting an open youth kayak
Published 3:29 pm Tuesday, July 8, 2014
In effort to give every child in Beaufort County a chance to get on the waterways, the Pamlico-Tar River Foundation will host an open Youth Kayaking Program on July 23.
PTRF has hosted several youth organizations this summer as part of the Youth Kayaking Program. However, this is a chance for any children not involved with a club to learn how to kayak.
“We’re just trying to get the word out to get children involved,” said Lydia Robertson, a PTRF intern.
The open kayaking trip along Chocowinity Bay is open to children between the ages of nine and 18. The kayaking trip begins at 10 a.m. and will conclude at 2 p.m.
The program is free, with PTRF providing a lunch, kayak and life jackets, but participants must provide their own transportation to Chocowinity Bay on Baylake Drive, according to Robertson.
“They come and learn and that is a good spot for beginners,” Robertson said. “This trip will give the youth a chance to learn about the different species of plants and animals that call the Tar-Pamlico watershed their home in a new and fun way.
“We have room to take 10 in one big group or we can do it in smaller groups if we have a bigger turnout,” Robertson said. “It just depends on the interest we have what exactly the format will be.”
Several spots are still open for the Youth Kayak Program on July 23. For more information contact PTRF at 252-946-7211.