Published 5:29 pm Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Richland Senior Club of Aurora met Aug. 5, 2014 at 10:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President MarLou Reid. Club members repeated the Lord’s Prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance. Three visitors were welcomed—Jake Donahue and Frankie and Stephen Modlin. Sylvia Carrow was welcomed as a new member. Secretary Myra Mayo called the roll with 31 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Jonell Barber read the treasurer’s report. Ann Cayton gave her card report of no cards sent out. Hopefully everyone is staying well.
Collection of items for Ruth’s House is ongoing. A list of needed items was passed around and members were asked to continue collecting for this worthy cause.
Sylvia Carrow won the 50/50 drawing this month.
Alice Briley reported that plans are to go to the Rudy Theater in Selma on Oct. 23. The club will have a Grilled Chicken Fundraiser on Friday, Oct. 3.
Vice President Barber made the new membership roster. Two changes were made. Alice Briley will make copies for everyone to hand out at the next meeting.
Member Sandra Lilley made some contacts for our animal Christmas Party entertainment. Plans were made to have a local group for our entertainment. In addition, Barbara Edwards will contact someone to be the speaker. The club voted to have Ken and Sandra Lilley to purchase a new Santa suit.
Framan Edwards asked the blessing and everyone enjoyed a covered dish luncheon.